Wednesday, September 25, 2019

English Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English - Assignment Example The president further reminds Americans that they are the people who are represented in the chamber and makes the state of the Union. This received strong applause because the audience felt the sense of belonging. Obama points out at the outcome of the great effort put by Americans such as low unemployment rate in over five years, rebounding housing market and the reduction of deficit. This attracts attention of the audience who feel that they are part of the success and that their achievements are appreciated. Obama received cheers and round of applause from the audience because they were reminded of their achievements and told that they would take America to greater heights above the current position of America in terms of trade (Forbes Staff Web). Obama further urges everyone in the chamber to take charge and avoid resentful argument that may hinder implementation of basic functions in the American democracy. He explains that if their differences may promote the underperformance of the government then the chamber is not doing the best thing. Obama asserted his commitment to making America work better and rebuilds the Americans trust. He challenges everyone in the chamber to take part in improving the welfare of Americans. The president told the chamber that their actions should provide opportunity for all Americans regardless of their social status. Obama acknowledges some of the challenges facing America such as increase in inequality and the fact that most Americans just work to get by and many are also unemployed. He points out at the need to reverse the negative trends and informs the chamber that they will never agree on everything. The president makes practical proposals of moving the country forward by creating opportunities. He promises to work with everyone in the chamber to steer the growth of and development of the country. He describes a few examples such as education opportunities, work ethics and encourages businesses to invest and

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