Saturday, August 31, 2019

Consider Pip from Great Expectations and Ralph from Lord of the Flies Essay

Which character do you think gives the most realistic portrayal of childhood? Both of these novels contain depictions of childhood. An important fact to keep aware of is that in Dickens’ portrayal of childhood, there are adults present to mould Pip through his encounters with them, whereas Golding leaves his characters free from any guiding adult hand. Pip’s sister being on â€Å"the rampage† when she felt Joe or Pip had done the slightest thing wrong, is different to Ralph’s experience of childhood on the island as the closest thing he has to an adult guide is Piggy, who whilst undoubtedly more intelligent than the other boys, lacks the respect and authority an adult commands. Pip and Ralph are alike however in their longing for a lack of adults, â€Å"but then the delight of a realized ambition overcame him. In the middle of the scar he stood on his head and grinned at the reversed fat boy. ‘No grown ups!’ † Is what Golding tells us of Ralph, and similarly Dickens’s Pip calls them all â€Å"toadies and humbugs†. Although these views both seem to concur that a lack of adults is definitely a good thing, they do differ somewhat, I do not believe Ralph would go so far as to call all adults â€Å"toadies and humbugs† and this is certainly to do with their different backgrounds. Ralph is a Home Counties lad with a father high up in the navy who knows that the queen has â€Å"a drawer full of maps†, whereas Pip is the adopted son of a blacksmith and although Ralph’s lifestyle may not necessarily have been glamorous, it was much more homely and welcoming than the one Pip enjoys. The two novels are also set over a greatly differing time span. Lord of the Flies lasts perhaps several weeks at the most, whereas Pip’s childhood lasts several years in Great Expectations. Obviously this will play a part in how realistic their childhoods seem as we see no more than the blinking of an eye of Ralph’s, but have a much more in depth viewing of Pip’s. Adults mould Pip throughout his childhood, and the most important adults involved in this are Pumblechook, Mr Wopsle and Pip’s sister. All of these have a tendency to look down on Pip, and it is for that reason that Joe is not included in the list, as he and Pip treat each other like equals. Ralph on the other hand has no guiding force behind him throughout all the time the reader knows him. Whereas Ralph is a very expressive child, he stands on his head and laughs and looks â€Å"golden†, Pip is not, in the early stages of the book, free from the tyranny of his sister. So there is a crucial difference between the two novels in that Ralph and his companions are free to be children without adult ideals being laid upon them, whereas Pip is expected to be a child the way society expects him to be, â€Å"be grateful boy to them which bought you up by hand† being a good example of this. A key aspect of childhood is Fear, fear of the dark, fear of the unknown and fear of adults to name but a few. Both authors work this aspect of childhood into their novels somehow. Dickens does this with Magwitch’s young man â€Å"a boy may lock his door, may be warm in bed, may tuck himself up, may draw the clothes over his head, may think himself comfortable and safe, but that young man will softly creep and creep his way to him and tear him open.† All this to scare Pip into getting him some â€Å"wittles† and it works, from the language in that quote, it is obviously apparent that Dickens had a very good idea of childhood and it’s workings, on of the few things universal to children is that they do think bed to be the ultimate haven. Pip is scared by Magwitch into stealing from his sister, who he is already afraid of, and this is significant in that it shows Dickens had a very good grasp of what childhood was about, and is thus likely to have a very good portrait of childhood in his novel. Possibly even more significant than this is that Pip steals a file from Joe his trusted friend, and this also shows more understanding on Dickens’ part about children, they do not discriminate between close friends and others to the extent older people do. And so we see the counter part to this in Lord of the Flies, when alone and with no adults on the desert island the children feel the need for a fire and steal Piggy’s glasses to light it. Piggy is Ralph’s main ally on the island, and certainly Ralph is Piggy’s only friend, so the situation is much akin to the one in Great Expectations but we do not see the same level of remorse from Ralph. Instead of Pip’s fearful â€Å"I held tight to the leg of the table under the cloth, with both hands, and awaited my fate† in anticipation of any retribution that may be dealt out, all that Golding says of the boys remorse at leaving Piggy blind and helpless is for Ralph to hand them back when done with them, and it is here that it seems as though Golding has a better understanding of children, he appreciates that their consciences are not yet fully developed as they are unable to grasp the implications of what they have done. The fear that grows apparent on the island however is not the same kind of fear as Pip experiences. One of the little-uns complains of â€Å"a beastie†, nonsense is the response he gets from Ralph, and yet â€Å"The vivid horror of this, so possible and nakedly terrifying held them all silent†. And it is here where the crux of the argument begins to form for Dickens’ having the better portrayal of childhood. The Beastie is in fact symbolic of the horror humans will create on the island, and the rest of Golding’s novel is also mostly symbolic, whereas Great Expectations isn’t. The natural reaction for Ralph and company to have is to try and ward of the beastie somehow, and thus the fire begins to become more than simply a rescue beacon. The relationships between characters is also a major part in the views we are offered of childhood. Golding uses the views of others to reveal aspects of the main characters, and so influence how we feel about them, Piggy’s view of Ralph and the others â€Å"Like a crowd of kids -† is supposed to make the reader feel that Piggy is far more mature, and that in turn Ralph is excessively immature, and childlike. Dicken’s however uses Pip’s perspective throughout the novel, and the language he uses differs greatly at the start as compared to the finish for the purposes of showing the transition between child and adult. For example â€Å"I religiously entertained that they had been born on their backs with their hands in their trouser pockets† is clearly not the impression an adult would get from having dead brothers or sisters, and most likely not the way they would describe them. However at the end of the book the language use has progressed to statements such as â€Å"Oh, Joe, you break my heart! Look angry at me, Joe! Strike me, Joe! Tell me of my ingratitude. Don’t be so good to me.† This is a statement the younger Pip would have been incapable of making, ti shows the complex differences in language that Dickens appreciates children use as compared to adults. In Great Expectations Pip is not treated as an adult, he is treated as a particularly worthless child, and as such he forms negative opinions of the adult world he will have to grow into, â€Å"that ass Pumblechook† being just one example of the way Pip views this world, however Dickens also understands that children’s attitudes change very quickly, as does Golding, and so when Pip obtains â€Å"Great Expectations† and Pumblechook starts acting up to him, then he decides that maybe â€Å"Pumblechook was a practical, sensible, good hearted fellow†. This is also shown in Lord of the Flies because although by the end Ralph and Jack are literally at each others throats, when making the fire at the start Ralph finds a log that looks too heavy, but gets the reply of â€Å"Not for the two of us!† And so Golding shows the reader a glimmer of hope that the two may get along well, but they don’t, and this demonstrates the inconsistency of children. Ralph has responsibility for the other boys on the island, and this causes him in many aspects to grow up. Instead of being completely child like and swimming, diving and running about, he gets worked up because the shelters haven’t been made and the other are incapable of concentrating â€Å"And they keep running off. You remember the meeting? How everyone was going to work hard until the shelters were finished?† This is not a very childlike statement, children get frustrated because they don’t get their own way, Ralph is not saying â€Å"I’m the leader and they don’t obey me† but instead worrying that the community is beginning to tear apart, a concern more voiced on tabloid letter pages than children’s conversations. Pip however has no such responsibility, admittedly while he does some chores set him by his sister, or his lessons under Mr Wopsle’s great aunt â€Å"that preposterous female†, he is nowhere near as empowered as Ralph who has been voted to care for a few dozen boys. And so this also affects the childhood of the two we see, while Ralph had the easiest growing up previous to the novel (with his parents) as opposed to Pip’s dead parents and harsh sister, he is given a far more demanding role to play. And the way he deals with it is not very childlike; in fact it comes to eventually represent the way a tired adult may feel, worn down, beginning to despair and wondering why on earth he’s taken the responsibility at all. And this is another key point to consider, Golding’s children are literary metaphors for mankind, whereas Pip, although he teaches the reader about aspects of the human character, is not supposed to be representative of the whole human race, and so more likely to represent childhood better. Yet another fact to remember is that Golding and Dickens were writing in very different times. Dickens was writing in what was the height of Victorian England and was teaching about society in those days. Whereas Golding was writing after the World Wars and so was trying to tell a more global message. So his Ralph is, although a child, not necessarily entirely representative of one. Pip however is forced to be a child by the constraining presence of his sister, Pumblechook and eventually the bond apprenticing him to Joe, all things that represent Victorian society, and yet things that still apply today even if in a different form, such as parental control and discipline and mandatory education. Childhood on Golding’s island is also not really something enjoyed particularly by Ralph and his peers, instead it is the little’uns who are the children, Ralph and the other bigger boys find themselves in the positions of adults simply because they are the biggest ones on the island. Perhaps because they are not completely mature at the time this does not help them deal with the events that happen on the island. There is possibly a case for saying that Pip too, is no ordinary child and has to grow up very fast in his attempts to impress Estella and grows up even more rapidly once he has his expectations laid upon him. However this is most likely a part of his childhood akin to the beginning of school and as this has been a part of life for every child in the last hundred years and more, this is not something that can be argued as not being a part of childhood. And most certainly at the start of the novel Pip is a child plain and simple, with no more worries than his si sters â€Å"rampages. Another aspect of childhood to consider is trust and loyalty. Children are usually trusting unless something happens to make them otherwise. In Lord of the Flies, loyalty is shown by the twin’s and Piggy’s dedication to Ralph and their faith in him to get them through. Ralph however displays a special kind of loyalty, a loyalty to the good side of human nature and a deep trust in fair play. Pip’s trust however is in Joe and his own learning, but the trust is very temporary with Joe, it is more of a mutual agreement to be equals. And Pip is more than happy to trade his oldest friend for some money and a life in London. Here again we see that Dickens understands children are rarely consistent, whereas Golding is trying to use children as a metaphor for something much bigger. To conclude I believe that Pip is by far the better portrayal of childhood. Childhood does not generally involve the lack of adult presence to so huge an extent as it does in Lord of the Flies, however the battles of child against adult and adult society such as are seen in Great Expectations do occur almost universally. I think that some qualities the reader sees in Ralph, such as the headstands, do display the kind of innocent glee a child might express, but other than that Ralph and is peers are all examples of the human race and so representative of those who rule the world, adults, and not of children who merely inhabit it. Golding’s book is a political message of it’s time, whereas Dickens was writing a novel, but his was free from the idealism that contaminates Golding’s work. Dickens’ novel still had a point, but this point was made about the way in which his society worked and in particular his belief that money is a great corrupter. Therefore I believe that Dickens’ Pip is the most realistic portrayal of childhood as he behaves like a child, his expressions and attitudes are all those common to children. Dickens’ also displays a deep understanding of how children work, and this comes across in Pip’s actions. Golding’s children however are only just recognisable as children, they could easily be replaced with full grown adults and still the story would work just as well.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Contribute to the support of child and young person development Essay

1.2. Identify different observation methods and know why they are used Different methods of observations are appropriate for different situations. Narrative (AKA running records). This methods are the ones where you write at the time what children are doing, notice something interesting, or are looking for a specific skill or area of development, simply writing down what you see as is happening. This method is used as it can provide a rounded picture of a child, and no preparation is needed. Diary Is when a daily record is kept of what children have done. This is often shared with parents and is useful for children and young people who do not have speech, like a baby or a young person with learning difficulties. This method is used as it can help other to know what a child has been doing, and it also provides a long time record. Anecdotal These observations are the ones you have not actually seen but are points that others such as parents might tell you about, after something important or interesting has happened they can be written down in a diary or the child’s records. This method is used as it can help other to know what a child has been doing in a different situation. Time Sampling This observation allows you to look at what a child does over a period of time, such as morning or part of the afternoon. This method is used as it can provide a snapshot view of what the child doing and is also possible to record the activity of more that one child. Event Sample A prepared sheet is drawn up in advance considering carefully the type of information that needs to be collected. A column is put down for each piece of information. When the behaviour is seen, the person who has seen it should fill in the sheet, This method is used to look at how often and in what circumstances a child shows a particular behaviour. Checklist Check list are easy to use because they focus the observer on particular aspects of child development. This method is used as it is quick and easy to use, and you can repeat the assessment and see the differences. 3.1. Describe the different transitions children and young people may experience. Throughout childhood there are many different points when children have to cope with changes. Some changes are difficult for children such as when parents separate or when someone close to them dies. As a result of changes, some children’s development can be affected. They become afraid, tearful or on the other hand angry and frustrated. Knowing what type of transitions children might face can help us to support them. This table shows some of the more common transitions: Emotional Change in family circumstances Parents might separate, new people might join the family (step-brothers), siblings might no be born, some close to the child might become ill or die, families may become short of money or become wealthier, parents might start working away from home or longer hours, might lose their jobs or work from home. Changes in friendships A friend might move away, friendships might change. Changes in carers/practitioner Might change nanny, au pair or move childminder. Physical Change in location Might move area or country might move home. Physiological Changes in health and body Might become ill or develop a chronic medical condition that requires treatment. Going through puberty Intellectual Changes in setting (Each setting will have its own rules/style and expectations) Might move from pre-school or nursery, move from class, move schools, start going to breakfast or afternoon club. Other Daily transitions Moving from one setting to another as part of their routine, going to a club or lesson. Between carers Going between parents and practitioners. 3.2 Explain how to give adult support for each of these transitions. Emotional Change in family circumstances Work closely with parents and share information about the child’s needs, give them time to talk about what is happening, allow them to express their feelings, reassure them, look out form more information from specialist organisations. Changes in friendships Encourage children to express their feelings, help them make new friends. Changes in carers/practitioner Work closely with other practitioners to learn more about the child, and visit them so they can get to know them. Physical Change in location Work closely with parents, allow time to settle and talk about where they use to be or go, spend time getting to know each other to find out more about the child. Physiological Changes in health and body Work closely with parents, look for more information, allow time for questions, reassure. Intellectual Changes in setting (Each setting will have its own rules/style and expectations) Share information about children’s needs strengths and interests, meet the person who will be with them,, involve the children. Other Daily transitions Allow time to settle and adjust, give plenty of warning and avoid rushing them. Between carers Aim to be consistent, consider using a diary so everyone know what the child has done. 4.1. Explain how a work setting can encourage children and young people’s positive behaviour. In my work setting there is Positive Behaviour Policy that intents to manage children’s behaviours and has clear procedures that staff must follow to encourage positive behaviour and also to manage unwanted behaviour. There are many ways in which we can help children/young people to learn about positive behaviour. Positive relationships play a key part in behaviour because children and young people need support and attention. Therefore is important to take time to talk and have fun with children. In the work setting we encourage positive behaviour by meeting their basics needs and listening to children and valuating their opinions, children need to express their feelings. It also important to provide a stimulating and challenging environment, so children can enjoy and have fun while learning, we encourage this by planning the experiences well and giving children choices to allow children to learn about having some responsibility. Being inclusive and thinking about children as individuals and about what they need, showing positive behaviours such as kindness and taking turns and gentleness, also setting clear and fair boundaries that are right for their age. We reinforce positive behaviour by giving them praise, encouragements and rewards. We also encourage children to resolve conflict by themselves.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Organizations Essay

An organization can be defined as a group of persons or individuals that unite to perform a common task. Each individual within an organization usually has a relatively well-defined job description, so that the group is â€Å"organized† in a way that will ensure that all tasks necessary for the completion of the goal will be covered. Organizational behavior involves applying the behavioral theory of how persons act within groups to the practice of working within organizations. It is the practical application of research done in such disciplines as psychology. The approach taken in organizational behavior is known as â€Å"systems† through which relationships are probed and defined according to the level of organization and the types of individuals that make them up. The human side of organization is directly related to organizational behavior, as it acknowledges the factors such as personality and behavior that may cause different types of managerial strategies to be employed. The personality of the manager may cause him or her to display a certain type of leadership style, while the personalities of employees may make it necessary for the manager to display a different style. Because an organization is made up of humans, it is practically impossible to separate it from the behaviors that are common to humans. Work is an important part of human life. Because people spend so much energy preparing and educating themselves for the jobs they perform, work tends to define the individual. Also, a large portion of any person’s day is spent doing the work from which they derive monetary and other resources. Therefore, work is more than just a means of earning money. It is also a method of channeling one’s creativity and can be the area in which one offers a unique gift to mankind. I, for example, take inventory for a copier company and I enjoy it because it allows the staff of the company to remain organized. My job is also necessary as it allows the managers and owners to have tangible evidence of the company’s health by gauging the speed at which the stock leaves the shelves and goes into the hands of consumers. Finally, it is a fulfilling job because I am able to make sure that customers are satisfied when all the goods they need are there on the shelves. Reference

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Abortion - Essay Example Spontaneous abortions refer to the natural process during which the human body rejects and expels the fetal contents without any â€Å"voluntary involvement or utilization of induction methods† (102). These events are often the source of great psychological distress to expecting parents and communities. However, the real social dilemma is regarding induced abortions; which refer to a voluntary disruption of a pregnancy brought upon through medical intervention (Hou Chap. 29). As a legal matter, the Supreme Court of United States supported the right to abortion in the judgment given for Roe v Wade case (Hou, Chap. 29). It was seen as the biological right of a woman to decline to carry an undesired child to term, as her physiological right. After this decision was taken there was a significant increase in the rate of abortions in the country (National Right to Life Committee, 4). But not everyone in either the public or private sector agreed with the decision and different states in the United States implemented separate legislations with varying degrees of leniency with regards to the accessibility to abortion services (Hou, Chap. 29), and in many states the debate for the right to abortion is still going on. Recent trends reveal that there is a reduction in abortion rates in the country (National Right to Life Committee 4), indicating that the perspective of the population has shifted against the process, which is labeled â€Å"barbaric† by individuals who oppose it. Anti-abortion perspectives are fueled by the concern for the rights of the unborn child as well as the sanctity of human life – eliminating a human life destroys the sense of a safe and beneficial society for all. Given these sentiments, states with the majority against abortion should implement strong anti-abortion policies which can guide

Controversial Behavioral Management Techniques for ADHD Research Paper

Controversial Behavioral Management Techniques for ADHD - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that there are those who think that it is merely a label that justifies the unruly behavior of students who need more rigorous discipline. Within the educational perspective, teachers keep on looking for correct knowledge about ADHD that will help them create classroom management techniques that are effective for students with this condition. Most of ADHD diagnoses come from teachers’ observations, and several of the symptoms of the condition oblige teachers to give a diagnosis, such as â€Å"the child often fails to give close attention to details or make careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities†. This paper makes a conclusion that when children with ADHD go to school, they are affected by the teachers’ method or techniques, as well as the school’s viewpoint about behavioral management. It is widely recognized that ADHD seldom arises alone; it is frequently complemented by comorbid disorders, like learning disabilities or oppositional defiant disorder. Sooner or later, this behavior could result in deviant behavioral patterns. In numerous instances, the delinquent behavior is simply bothersome or possibly makes the teacher annoyed. The initial idea could be â€Å"I’ve got to punish this behavior to stop it†. This is where controversial behavioral management techniques for ADHD come in. The first is corporal punishment or physical punishment. This technique does lead to inhibition of a problematic behavior, but it does not eliminate it. ... When children with ADHD go to school, they are affected by the teachers’ method or techniques, as well as the school’s viewpoint about behavioral management. It is widely recognized that ADHD seldom arises alone; it is frequently complemented by comorbid disorders, like learning disabilities or oppositional defiant disorder. Sooner or later, this behavior could result in deviant behavioral patterns (Hornby et al., 2013). In numerous instances, the delinquent behavior is simply bothersome or possibly makes the teacher annoyed. The initial idea could be â€Å"I’ve got to punish this behavior to stop it† (Flick, 2010, 101). This is where controversial behavioral management techniques for ADHD come in. The first is corporal punishment or physical punishment. This technique does lead to inhibition of a problematic behavior, but it does not eliminate it. The student discontinues the behavior but relapses to it eventually. The punishing teacher actually embodies the behavior s/he wants to get rid of. The student gets the message that physical punishment is an effective way of coping with problems such as this (Flick, 2010). It is also necessary to mention that corporal punishment is normally used long after the student shows the problematic behavior. The main point is it is unwise to exercise corporal punishment in school. Simply put, it is completely unsuccessful in managing behavior issues, and it is useless with ADHD. Studies report detrimental consequences of exercising physical punishment (Southall, 2007). A particular type of punishment less harsh than corporal punishment is the verbal scolding. This implies that the student is verbally reprimanded for showing improper

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

An essay which explores and analyses a particular issue in the field

An which explores and analyses a particular issue in the field of interpretation - Essay Example This author will assess the interpretation of war and the multiple factors that dictate the many perspectives on the topic. In Carol Acton’s article Diverting the Gaze: The Unseen Text in Women’s War Writing, she talks about the difference in how women perceive war verses the way men see it. She notes that, â€Å"while womens war writing from the First World War has received much critical attention over the past ten or more years that has established its authenticity as witness to war, scant attention has been paid to how women see the trauma of frontline combat nursing and how, consequently, such seeing or not seeing influences the narrative (Acton, p54).† The author focuses on the perception of how women perceive the trauma of war specifically nurses who aren’t necessarily fighting on the frontline, but who are providing medical care for soldiers and often caring for them right up to their last living moments. Acton notes how writings produced by women of the first World War and Vietnam were very similar, she goes on to point out that, On a general level, the striking similarity in the narratives of these two wars seems to arise from the compulsion to bear witness to the trauma of combat nursing. More specifically, British writers from the First World War and American writers from the Vietnam War were both concerned with carrying what Jane Marcus has called "a terrible knowledge" to a civilian population that seemed completely removed from any understanding of the war experience (Acton, p54) The contrast Acton makes between the women nursing the soldiers, both American and British, in both World War I and Vietnam, with the civilians reveals how there is a major difference in interpretation of war when one is on the frontline verses just assessing it when it’s far away. Acton goes on to point how

Monday, August 26, 2019

Case study description and analysis of SONY Corporation involved in Essay

Case study description and analysis of SONY Corporation involved in the production and distribution of products - Essay Example (Sony, 2008a) In line with the purpose of capturing the global markets, Sony Corporation established several affiliated companies to enable the company to smoothen out its global product distribution. (Sony, 2008b; Sony, 2008c) On the other hand, a group of affiliated Sony suppliers works together with the company to strengthen the company’s supply chain management within and outside Japan. For this study, the researcher will first discuss the theory and purpose of supply chain management. Eventually, the researcher will examine the impact of an effective supply chain management in the production process and product distribution of Sony PlayStation  ® 3. In the process of discussing the impact of supply chain management in Sony’s production line and product distribution, the researcher will analyze the impact of supply chain management strategies particularly the push and pull. Aside from discussing the impact of supply chain management to Sony’s operational performance, the researcher will mention a special circumstance which involves Sony’s operational activities followed by interpreting the relevance of these special circumstances to the company’s supply chain management strategies. Supply chain management is referring to the study of operational process flow that includes business activities related to the purchasing of raw materials, conversion of raw materials into intermediate or finished products as well as the distribution of these products to the end consumers. (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, 2008) Supply chain strategy adopted by a company normally varies from one to another depending on the specific business organization goal that is implemented by the members of its top management level. Given that the cost of storing a large amount of raw material inventories can be costly on the part of the company, the purchasing manager

Sunday, August 25, 2019

IP3 performance aprasals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

IP3 performance aprasals - Essay Example  Excellent  High  Good  Fair  Average  Mediocre  Poor  Bad  Low Comments: 3. Coaching Skill Coaching Skill for problem solving, training, developing, and improving performance of employees  Excellent  High  Good  Fair  Average  Mediocre  Poor  Bad  Low Comments: 4. Delegation and Supervisory Skill Delegation and Supervisory Skill signifies the responsibilities of subordinates; recognizes the abilities and skills of employees and assigns task accordingly; counsels and guides the employees in any situation and encourages them to perform effectively in an independent manner  Excellent  High  Good  Fair  Average  Mediocre  Poor  Bad  Low Comments: 5. Planning and Scheduling Skill Planning and Scheduling Skill requires systematical distribution of task among the employees and making available utilization of resources; planning the entire task before allocation and creating proper time schedule  Excellent  High  Good  Fair  Average  Mediocre  Poor  Low  Bad Comments: 2.0 Justification The five specific skills have been mentioned with respect to the front-line supervisor. These skills are significantly required by the supervisors for effective functioning in the workplace. The performance grading form has been prepared by considering the skills and responsibilities of supervisor. The main purpose of rating is to provide feedback to the supervisors regarding their performance so that they can be motivated and can improve their performance standard. The rating scale from 1 to 9 has been considered which ranges from excellent to bad. The individual performance standard can be appraised from this rating scale. As there was no performance appraisal technique in the organization, thus the employees were less motivated and had no positive attitude towards the work. The leadership skill is essential for a supervisor as it relates to the direction of the employees and to lead them in proper way so that they can achieve the goals of the organ ization. Thus, for this skill, 20% weight has been assigned. The planning and scheduling is also an important skill of supervisor. The supervisor is required to plan the entire task of the employees and make proper time schedule for each employee. The skill has been provided weight of 20% based on its importance. The communication skill is a significant factor for the supervisors but this skill is not as important as compared to other skills. The skill enables a supervisor to make good interpersonal communication so that the employees can understand the problems that arise in workplace and can provide effective solution against it (Blair, n.d.). A front-line supervisor needs excellent coaching skill in order to train the employees, develop their inner competencies, resolve their dilemma and help them to improve the performance. The coaching skill is provided 20% weightage because this skill is extremely significant for supervisor. Proper coaching to the employees will help them to e nhance their skills and can also help them to resolve all the dilemmas that may possibly take place in their life related to critical situations of workplace. This skill also improves the efficiency of supervisor for regular training and guiding to the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

IT Commentary Presentation PowerPoint Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IT Commentary - PowerPoint Presentation Example American Express Service, the Verizon Wireless IOS Smartphone, the near field communications technologies and the USA technologies- The company has designed a cashless payment, a wireless payment and M2M telemetry technology for use in the vending machines. Over 62,000 vending machines using eport connect cashless payment and USAT’S eport point- of-sale devices have got the ISIS smart tap technology enabled. The technology is meant for rewards access, loyalty programs and contactless payments (Mobile Payments Today, 2013) The NFC technology uses wireless means to exchange data between an NFC -enabled device and other devices. Verizon customer can use the Android Smartphone as their wallet that safely stores the virtual versions of their debit cards and credit cards. It also serves as a home to coupons, loyalty cards and some other special offers (Mobile Payments Today, 2013). For one to use the ISIS mobile wallet he/she require the following materials; A T-Mobile Advanced SIM Card which is capable of information storage and protection, regarding payments and any other sensitive wallet details. There is also need for An ISIS enabled Smartphone that has support the NFC technology in the transfer of payment details at a check point. A major setback for the new subscribers is that you will have or need to purchase a new Advanced SIM, which could be costly (Bunton, 2013). Some of the locations where this ISIS Mobile Wallet can be used include; Office Deport, Coca-Cola vending machines, American Apparel, T-Mobile and many others. This mobile app enables the users to store the virtual versions of their staff in there wallets, in the Smartphone. The app enables the customers to maintain their loyalty information, payment information, money saving offers and discount information in one place that is convenient. For example; New American Express Service Account holders who sign for an account through the ISIS Mobile wallet by the end of the month of June will receive

Friday, August 23, 2019

Human Resource Management (CASE STUDY) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Resource Management (CASE STUDY) - Essay Example y the Greater Manchester Police, through unreasonable behaviors and practices like racial profiling and race-based surveillance, which are based on stereotypes. This belief that is characterized by or based on the attitude that ones own group is superior is also a sideline highlighting the tendency of some individuals to view other groups as being a threat, due largely to pervasive stereotyping stemming from lack of experience with the perceived groups. In the case, the police used internal prejudice to advance their own stereotypes at the expense of Mr. Singh-Barker, who was singled out as an immigrant for non promotion. Many people who are prejudiced about their own groups have little contact or experience with the groups they are consciously or unconsciously persecuting. Although people from different races can work together and form alliances in many cases (like different minority students from different populations coming together to protest prejudice at a school), which seek to combat stereotyping and promote unity and understanding between superficially different groups. In this type of setting, cross cultural understanding becomes important. There is a clear line to be drawn between discretion and racial profiling when it comes to a law enforcement officers’ making the decision to investigate a crime or suspect on positive grounds of incongruity, suspicion, or report, not race or ethnicity; this works internally, as well. In practice, unfortunately, this theory does not always stick. In practice, police often color-code their targets and look for immigrant individuals like Singh Bhacke r. The Manchester Police, therefore, are being unreasonable. The Manchester Police force is also guilty of labeling in the case. Labeling is a psycho/sociological theory of deviance, and it is also important to consider biological classifications and their implications. Ethnocentrism is characterized by the attitude that one’s own group is superior to another

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Unlawful Justice Essay Example for Free

Unlawful Justice Essay Many people have disagreements on the death penalty. My opinion on this argument is that we should abolish the death penalty from our criminal punishment system. As someone once said two wrongs do not make a right and I think that he is right. It is not doing justice killing another person because that person killed someone. My friend says this If the person didnt mean to kill them they should live but, if they wanted to kill them then they should die(Holeman). More than half of the countries in the world have abolished capital punishment from law or practice. Some of these countries that have abolished it, to us are considered third world countries. Are we any better than these third world countries if we still use the death penalty and they dont? A total of 109 countries have abolished the death penalty. 749 prisoners have been executed since capital punishment was resumed in 1977. Almost all the states in the U.S. use the lethal injection if they even have the death penalty. Electrocution that used to be widely used is now the second most used. Very few states use the gas chamber, hanging, and firing squad and most of the states have lethal injection as a secondary. Most people see the lethal injection as the most humane but; all of them are very terrible deaths to die. On January 1st 2001 there were around 3,700 inmates on death row. The average cost to seek the death penalty is $218,112 and that is added to the total cost of the case. U.S. is the leader in killing kids worldwide. We have sentenced 160 children to death since 1973. There is not really an official age at which you can sentence a child to the death penalty. Mississippi sought the death penalty in 1996 for kids of the age of 13. Most kids sent to death row are colored and stats show that two out of three kids sent to death row are children of color. Also, almost 90% of people put  to death for committing a crime were convicted of murdering whites but, about half of all homicide victims in the U.S. are colored. It is so bad in Maryland that if you kill a white person you are seven times more likely to get the death sentence than if you murder a colored person. About 90 % of the people that the U.S. Government prosecutors tried and execute are Black or Latino. Many people that seek the death penalty only want it for people that are not white. Another major problem with the system is that even if you are innocent you have a high chance of being put on death row. Around 23 innocent people have been sentenced to death row and have been executed for crimes they did not commit this century. More than 69 people have been released from death row since 1972 for being wrongly convicted. That is more than one innocent person for every 100 convicts on death row. One example of mistaken guilt was of Robert Nelson Drew who was executed even after another man confessed to the murder. A few countries other than the U.S. show that we dont execute people that bad. Go live in Afghanistan they will stone you to death or maybe go to Sudan where you can be stoned or crucified and other countries even behead you. Another bad thing about the death penalty is that in Florida each of the states executions cost $3.2 million and life inprison only cost $600,000. Spending our taxpayers money on the death penalty takes away from more important stuff for example investigating drug crimes, domestic violence, and child abuse. If we did not have the death penalty we could have better education and rehabilitation. Around five years ago many Americans heavily supported the death penalty and around 80% of Americans favored executing convicted murders. According to the polls now it is at 66 percent that is a major drop. In ten or twenty years will we even have the death penalty? Now for the first time for a very long time people can debate whether we should have the death penalty or not.  Governor George Ryan of Illinois started up the train to debate the death penalty and has it moving. Many states in the U.S. are looking over the death penalty in their state. In the 1990s the death penalty was the main thing to do to get tough on crime movement. In the 90s the death penalty has seen the toughest increase in death row inmates. With President Clinton in office he expanded the federal death penalty to additional 60 more crimes. Now I come to my conclusion many people have disagreements on the death penalty but nobody will change my decision. If you look at the facts the death penalty has some major mess-ups. Nobody is going to be able to correct those fully and the only way to stop the mess-ups is to abolish the death penalty. Many innocent people are killed and a lot of jurors are racist and judge the crime poorly. Almost half of the countries in the world have abolished it why shouldnt we. What if you were wrongly accused of committing a crime and were put to death would justice have been served I think not. Do you see why it should be abolished? Maybe some day you will march against the death penalty even if you dont just please do not support it. Thank you for your time and I hope you learned a lot about the death penalty. Works Cited 2 April 2002 2 April 2002 2 April 2002 2 April 2002 2 April 2002 2 April 2002 2 April 2002 2 April 2002 8 March 2002 Pence, Alex. Death Penalty. Report by Alex Pence. 2001 Holeman, Spencer. Interview. 4 April 2002

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Penitentiary Ideal Essay Example for Free

Penitentiary Ideal Essay To the Roman Catholic Church the penitentiary was a tribunal of mercy, responsible for issues relating to the forgiveness of sins. (dictionary, Webster)To the average person it was a place to house prisoners who committed horrible crimes. Although it’s main purposes were both secular and spiritual, it was suppose to be a place of humane punishment rather than that of physical. (Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) The penitentiary was suppose to be a healthy and clean place unlike most jails and prisons. Prisoners were to be kept from each other preferably in isolation as to not contaminate one another with their bodily fluids as with their unholy spirits and thoughts. It was suppose to teach inmates their social purpose, to work doing productive labor and practice corrective discipline as oppose to sitting around not doing anything. (Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) As a secular institution the penitentiary was meeting the religious need for the sinners to express their sins. It allowed for the sinner or prisoner to admit his crimes or wrong doings as a kind of confession and promise to do better. The principal goal was for the prisoners or sinners to find or achieve their spiritual transformation.( Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) There were two principal models of the penitentiary, the Eastern State and the Auburn. John Havilland designed the prison we know as the Eastern State penitentiary. This prison featured seven long corridors that resembled what looked like spokes on a bicycle. It was flat and had thirty-foot walls that surrounded it. The cells were ten feet long and eight feet in width and the ceilings were about fifteen foot in height. Each cell had a toilet, a table and a bed along with a private patio the same size of the cell. The prisoners were aloud to go outside onto their patios at any time because they were enclosed and attached only to their cells.( Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) Prisoners in the Eastern State penitentiary were kept in isolation. They were aloud outside twice per day for only thirty minutes and led outside with hoods over their heads, as they were not aloud to see one another. Eastern State in its time was considered the ideal prison or penitentiary. The prisoners were kept on close watch by the guards so close that they wore socks on their shoes so the prisoners could not hear them approaching their cells. (Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) Just thirty miles of New York City in 1817, Auburn penitentiary opened its doors. This penitentiary was made of small cells about seven feet in length and about three and a half feet in width with a height of only about seven feet, stacked on top of one another. There was no courtyard so the prisoners never went outside. The prisoners were divided into three groups only for the guards to have better control of them. This penitentiary used solitary confinement as punishment. They soon learned after using this method that some prisoners took their own lives, died, or were crazy and delusional upon leaving solitary confinement. (Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) In my opinion Eastern State penitentiary was the model prison. Although the prisoners were held under solitary confinement all of the time they were let outside and had their own patios which they could go out on anytime they chose. It was better controlled and quieter I would imagine. Auburn penitentiary was led more as a congregate prison, which means that the prisoners were allowed to interact with one another.( Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) I believe that when punished and put in solitatry confinement that is why most of them died or killed themselves because they were use to being with others and were never aloud outside. If I had to choose which prison to go to it would definitely be Eastern State only because things seemed more organized, you did not have to deal with other prisoners and the troubles that came with them and you got to go outside and have your own patio. I believe that if prisons today used the example of the Eastern State penitentiary there would not be as many fights and riots that broke out in the prisons and people would have time to think about what they did and not be influenced by the criminal minds of others. References -Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Low MicroRNA-21 Expression in HPV-Induced Carcinogenesis

Low MicroRNA-21 Expression in HPV-Induced Carcinogenesis Low microRNA-21 expression in the development of a favorable microenvironment for HPV-induced carcinogenesis Introduction Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are the most common sexually transmitted agents. High risk types of Human Papillomavirus, as HPV16, are the causative agents of virtually all cases of cervical cancer and a significant proportion of other anogenital cancers, as well as some head and neck cancers [1-3]. The K14-HPV16 transgenic mice model is specially used to study the HPV-associated squamous cells cancers. In this model, the expression of early region genes (E2-E8) of HPV-16 is driven by the keratin 14 promoter/enhancer [4]. The K14-HPV16 transgenic mice develop epidermal hyperplastic lesions that progress to dysplastic lesions and ultimately to invasive cancer. The expression of HPV oncogenes E6 and E7 induces epithelial carcinogenesis through well-defined premalignant stages before de novo carcinoma development [5]. The basal cells are mitotically active and thus may develop further mutations in response to a proliferative stimulus, and the expression of K14 has been shown to persist in well-differentiated squamous carcinomas [6]. This model of multistep epithelial neoplasia will facilitate the study of both the epigenetic and the genetic factors that regulate neoplastic progression and coordinate malignant conversion. MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small, noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression by base pairing with mRNAs, leading to the inhibition of mRNA translation or its degradation. In normal cells, miRNAs control numerous processes including proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis [7]. Furthermore, these molecules are described as key regulators in many diseases including, neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, viral infections and cancer. Some miRNAs are lost during tumorigenesis whereas other miRNAs are upregulated. Previous data indicates that miRNAs are important to distinguish subtypes of cancers, where the histological diagnosis is complex and difficult. Furthermore, it also may be a useful tool to diagnose cancers of unknown origin and to study cancer predisposition [8]. MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) has been implicated in various aspects of carcinogenesis. In most solid tumors, miR-21 is overexpressed and thus influences cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis [9-11]. However, the interplay between miRNAs, human papillomavirus (HPV) genes and how these interactions contribute to HPV-associated cancers remain elusive and not well understood. The tumor microenvironment associated to miRNAs plays an increasingly appreciated role in cancer (ref whiteside) however, the microenvironment prior to tumorigenesis can influence the carcinogenesis process. In this study we investigated the expression profile of microRNA-21 in K14-HPV16 transgenic mice, using ear and chest skin samples. Thus, we evaluate the importance of the microenvironment associated with the miR-21 expression and predisposition to HPV-induced carcinogenesis. Material and methods Transgenic mice K14-HPV16 mice on a FVB/N background were generously donated by Drs. Jeffrey Arbeit and Douglas Hanahan, from the University of California, through the USA National Cancer Institute Mouse Repository. Generation of K14-HPV mice has been previously reported [12]. After one week quarantine, the animals were kept as breeder pairs in accordance with National (Portaria 1005/92 dated October the 23rd) and European (EU Directive 2010/63/EU) legislation, under controlled conditions of temperature (23 ±2 ºC), light-dark cycle (12h light/12h dark) and relative humidity (50 ±10%), using hardwood bedding. A standard diet (Global Diet 2014, Harlan, Barcelona) and water were provided ad libitum. Health checks were performed daily. Genotyping of HPV-E6 and E2 (referencias genotipagem Hugo?) 15 offspring females from consecutive litters were genotyped at weaning, using tail tip samples. To genotyping were used tail tips of mice of the strain FVB, wild-type or hemizygous. Tissue lysis was performed using MAGNAPure DNA Tissue Lysis Buffer and Proteinase K for 17 h at 65  °C. Nucleic acids were extracted by the High Pure Viral Nucleic Acid Kit following the manufacturers instructions. To test the efficacy of the method of DNA extraction was investigated the presence of mouse-ÃŽ ²-globin gene. The presence of integrated HPV was assessed by amplification of HPV-E6 and HPV-E2 genes by polymerase chain reaction methodology (PCR) in-house. The resulting genotypes were confirmed to the respective phenotypes. After genotype determination, all animals were sacrificed at 22 to 26 weeks-old and completely necropsied. Ear and chest skin samples were collected into TRIzol (Invitrogen) for miRNA analysis and matched samples were collected into 10% neutral buffered formalin for histological processing. For these procedures, 13 skin samples (ear and chest) of 8 hemizygous females (+ / -) were collected. As control were used 14 skin samples of 7 wild-type females (- / -). Histology Skin samples were fixated in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 48 hours, routinely processed and paraffin-embedded. Histological sections (2 µm-thick) were obtained and stained with haematoxylin and eosin (HE) for examination on light microscopy. Samples and their lesions were classified as normal skin, epidermal hyperplasia and epidermal in situ carcinoma by two independent, blind researchers (CL and RGC). miRNA expression analysis To study miRNA-21 expression, the skin samples were macerated with the TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) for RNA preservation. The extraction of total RNA was performed using aHigh Pure RNA Isolation Kit(Roche Applied Science), according to manufacturer’s instructions. RNA quality was assessed by measuring the absorbance at 260 nm and its purity was evaluated by the ratio of absorbance at 260/280 nm. cDNA synthesis The conversion of miRNA to cDNA was performed using TaqMan ® MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit ( PN 4366596 , Applied Biosystems ®, Foster CA, USA ), using sequence-specific stem-loop primers from each miRNA (miR-21 and snoRNA-202). The amplification conditions were as follows: 30 min at 15 °C, 52 min at 42 ºC and finally 10 min at 85 °C. miRNA-21 relative quantification We used qPCR technique to measure the relative expression of miR-21 (StepOne Real-time PCR Systems; final volume: 20 uL, with1Ãâ€" TaqMan ® Universal Master Mix II Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California USA; 1x MicroRNA Assay (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California USA) and 2 uL cDNA. As endogenous control, we used snoRNA-202. Statistical Analysis Data analysis was performed by the computer software IBM ®SPSS  ®Statistics for Windows (Version 20.0). The 2ΔΔCt method, along with Student’s t-test was used in order to evaluate any statistical differences in the normalized expression of the miR-21. To analyze the normalized relative expression (-ΔCt) of the different groups, we considered the results corresponding to 99% representation of the population ( ±2).      Results Genotyping and histological analysis We observed the presence of integrated HPV DNA (E6 and E2 ORF) in 53% of mice. All cases with HPV-E6 expression also presented HPV-E2 expression. All mice with integrated HPV DNA demonstrated, phenotypically, various degrees of persistent epidermal and squamous mucosal hyperplasia, characteristic lesions associated to HPV infection, previously described in Arbeit et al. study [12]. After histologic evaluation we observed that, in all cases with integrated HPV DNA, the ear tissues presented epidermal in situ carcinomas while the chest tissues showed epidermal hyperplasia. In wild-type mice we observed normal histology. MiRNA-21 expression profile in tissue of transgenic versus wild-type mice To investigate a possible direct influence of HPV16 on the miR-21 expression profile, we analyzed the relative expression between the all tissues (ear and chest) of transgenic mice and the tissues of the control group. We did not found statistical difference in expression levels between both groups (p=0,615). When we compare the miRNA-21 expression in ear and chest samples, singly, we also did not found statistical difference in expression levels between transgenic and wild type mice (Fig.2). MiRNA-21 expression profile in normal tissue To study the miR-21 normal expression profile in tissues, we quantified the expression of miR-21 in the ear and chest skin samples of the control group. We observed that the ear tissues have lower expression levels when compared to chest tissue (p = 0.036) (Fig.3 a)). Mir-21 expression profile in tissues of transgenic mice To compare the relation between miR-21 expression and lesion type, we analyzed the histology of ear and chest samples from transgenic mice and we quantified the expression of miR-21 in the same. We detected that lower expression levels of miR-21 are associated with cancerous lesions as in situ carcinomas (ear) compared with hyperplastic lesions (chest) (p=0,043) (Fig.3 b)). Discussion Recent studies have associated miR-21 to the pathogenesis of various diseases, including cancer. (ref) MiR-21 overexpression is observed in the majority of carcinomas and hematological malignancies. However, understanding of the potential role of miRNA-21 in previous microenvironment to the development of HPV-associated lesions remains elusive. In cervical cancer, it is accepted that HPV infection is the most important factor for transition from normal cervical epithelium to cervical pre-neoplastic intraepithelial neoplasia and subsequently to invasive cervical cancer. However, the influence of others factors including the microenvironment are poorly investigated. Microenvironment associated to miR-21 may be key factor to the predisposition of cancer. We studied that the expression of miR-21 in normal tissues could be important in development of HPV-associated tumors. Our results demonstrate that, in transgenic mice, all ear tissues presented epidermal in situ carcinomas and chest tissues showed epidermal hyperplasia. Thus, we hypothesize that these interesting facts could be related to different miR-21 profile expression of both tissues. Our results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between the miR-21 expression in HPV-positive samples and controls, concluding therefore that the presence of HPV does not directly influence the expression of this microRNA. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that differences in the miR-21 expression existing in the normal tissue microenvironment are an important determinant of the HPV-induced carcinogenesis process. Several studies have expanded the concept that inflammation is a critical component of tumour progression. Many cancers arise from sites of infection, chronic irritation and inflammation [13]. Thomas X. Lu et al., identified an IL-12/IFN-g–dependent pathway as the most prominent upregulated pathway in the lungs of OVAchallenged miR-21-/- mice compared with wild-type littermate controls, providing substantial evidence that this is the major pathway dysregulated in the miR-21–deficient mice [14]. As IL-12 is a major cytokine that regulates Th1 versus Th2 decisions primarily by inducing T cells to produce the Th1 cytokine IFN-ÃŽ ³ [15], may be related to inflammation responsible for tumor progression. These facts that relate the miR-21 downregulation with increased inflammation may explain our findings that tissues with lower miR-21 expression are more likely to develop a carcinogenic pathway. Pten has been verified as a miR-21 target in pancreatic cancer, hepatocellular cancer and squamous cell carcinoma [16, 17]. (†¦) References 1.Walboomers, J.M., et al., Human papillomavirus is a necessary cause of invasive cervical cancer worldwide. J Pathol, 1999. 189(1): p. 12-9. 2.Watson, M., et al., Using population-based cancer registry data to assess the burden of human papillomavirus-associated cancers in the United States: overview of methods. Cancer, 2008. 113(10 Suppl): p. 2841-54. 3.Major, T., et al., The characteristics of human papillomavirus DNA in head and neck cancers and papillomas. J Clin Pathol, 2005. 58(1): p. 51-5. 4.Coussens, L.M., D. Hanahan, and J.M. Arbeit, Genetic predisposition and parameters of malignant progression in K14-HPV16 transgenic mice. Am J Pathol, 1996. 149(6): p. 1899-917. 5.Masset, A., et al., Unimpeded skin carcinogenesis in K14-HPV16 transgenic mice deficient for plasminogen activator inhibitor. Int J Cancer, 2011. 128(2): p. 283-93. 6.Stoler, A., et al., Use of monospecific antisera and cRNA probes to localize the major changes in keratin expression during normal and abnormal epidermal differentiation. J Cell Biol, 1988. 107(2): p. 427-46. 7.Chen, C.Z., MicroRNAs as oncogenes and tumor suppressors. N Engl J Med, 2005. 353(17): p. 1768-71. 8.Paranjape, T., F.J. Slack, and J.B. Weidhaas, MicroRNAs: tools for cancer diagnostics. Gut, 2009. 58(11): p. 1546-54. 9.Chan, J.A., A.M. Krichevsky, and K.S. Kosik, MicroRNA-21 is an antiapoptotic factor in human glioblastoma cells. Cancer Res, 2005. 65(14): p. 6029-33. 10.Iyevleva, A.G., et al., High level of miR-21, miR-10b, and miR-31 expression in bilateral vs. unilateral breast carcinomas. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2012. 131(3): p. 1049-59. 11.Kulda, V., et al., Relevance of miR-21 and miR-143 expression in tissue samples of colorectal carcinoma and its liver metastases. Cancer Genet Cytogenet, 2010. 200(2): p. 154-60. 12.Arbeit, J.M., et al., Progressive squamous epithelial neoplasia in K14-human papillomavirus type 16 transgenic mice. J Virol, 1994. 68(7): p. 4358-68. 13.Coussens, L.M. and Z. Werb, Inflammation and cancer. Nature, 2002. 420(6917): p. 860-7. 14.Lu, T.X., et al., MicroRNA-21 limits in vivo immune response-mediated activation of the IL-12/IFN-gamma pathway, Th1 polarization, and the severity of delayed-type hypersensitivity. J Immunol, 2011. 187(6): p. 3362-73. 15.Gately, M.K., et al., The interleukin-12/interleukin-12-receptor system: role in normal and pathologic immune responses. Annu Rev Immunol, 1998. 16: p. 495-521. 16.Darido, C., et al., Targeting of the tumor suppressor GRHL3 by a miR-21-dependent proto-oncogenic network results in PTEN loss and tumorigenesis. Cancer Cell, 2011. 20(5): p. 635-48. 17.Meng, F., et al., MicroRNA-21 regulates expression of the PTEN tumor suppressor gene in human hepatocellular cancer. Gastroenterology, 2007. 133(2): p. 647-58. Fig. 1 Mice genotyping. The presence of integrated HPV was assessed by amplification of HPV-E2 (b) and HPV-E6 (c) genes by polymerase chain reaction methodology (PCR) in-house. Mouse-ÃŽ ²-globin gene was used as endogenous control (a). Fig. 2 Normalized relative expression of miR-21 in transgenic mice (HPV+) and wild-type mice (HPV-), in ear (a) and chest tissue (b). 1

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Southern Dialect as Seen in the Works of William Faulkner Essays

The Southern Dialect as Seen in the Works of William Faulkner In the writings of William Faulkner, the reader may sense that the author has created an entire world, which directly reflects his own personal experience. Faulkner writes about the area in and around Mississippi, where he is from, during the post-Civil War period. It is most frequently Northern Mississippi that Faulkner uses for his literary territory, changing Oxford to â€Å"Jefferson† and Lafayette County to â€Å"Yoknapatawpha County,† because it is here that he lived most of his life and wrote of the people he knew. Faulkner’s stories focus on the Southeastern United States at a time period when old traditions began to clash with new ideals. This is an era in American history with which most people can quickly identify, whether they are Southern or not. The South in Faulkner’s works are complete with all the expected features: an agricultural society, Southern belles and gentlemen, racial tensions, and especially the common characteristics of Southern speech. Faulkner strays from the normal customs of Northern literature to present a realistic portrait of the South that he grew up in. In doing so, he comes up with an excellent sample of the Southern language, including linguistic qualities of both black and white speech. Faulkner establishes a unique literary voice which is recognizable due to variances from standard English in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammatical form, while juxtaposing speech elements foreign to anyone not familiar with Southern heritage. The works of William Faulkner succeed in creating a literary dialect which is relatively consistent throughout all of his stories. A literary dialect is best defined as an â€Å"author’s attempt to represent in w... ...n, 1971. 145-177. 7) Lockyer, Judith. Ordered By Words: Language and Narration in the Novels of William Faulkner. Southern Illinois University Press, 1991. 8) McDavid, Raven I., Jr. â€Å"Dialectology: Where Linguistics Meets the People.† The Emory University Quarterly XXIII (Winter, 1967), 219. 9) McDavid, Raven I., Jr. â€Å"Go Slow in Ethnic Attribution: Geographic Mobility and Dialect Prejudices.† Varieties of Present-Day English. Ed. Richard W. Bailey and Jay L. Robinson. New York: Macmillan Company, 1973. 258-270. 10)McDavid, Raven I., Jr., and Virginia McDavid. â€Å"Kentucky Verb Forms.† Montgomery and Bailey, 1986. 264-293. Smith, Alphonso. Cambridge History of American Literature. New York: Macmillan Company, 1951. 11)Stewart, William A. â€Å"Observations on the Problem of Defining Negro Dialect.† The Florida FL Reporter IX, Nos. 1 and 2 (Spring/Fall, 1971), 47-57.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Language, Identity and Social Acceptance in Hal Borland’s Novel, When the Legends Die :: When Legends Die

Language as the Key to Identity and Social Acceptance in Hal Borland’s Novel, When the Legends Die In the world today, many people are identified by the way they look or act; they are also accepted into society based on this criteria. However, in literature, one cannot be identified or judged on these aspects, these observations must be created solely from the way the character speaks. This shows that James Baldwin was correct in his 1979 essay when he stated that language is a key to identity and social acceptance. This observation can be seen in the novel When the Legends Die by Hal Borland. When the Legends Die is a novel about a boy, Thomas, growing into a man. There are a variety of characters in this novel and without their different styles of speaking, the reader would not be able to tell them apart. One example of identifying a character by what they say is a man named Blue Elk. Blue Elk was an extremely greedy Ute Indian. He would do anything, including sending other Native Americans to live on reservations, where they were miserable, to make easy money. So, in When the Legends Die when a reader sees a character talking about how much money he made, or who he has conned lately he or she knows that the character is Blue Elk. Another example of recognizing a character by their speaking style is a man named Meo. Meo was a bronco rider when he was younger and now he helps in training Thomas to become a champion rider. Meo also grows beans and loves making chili. He is always talking about the old days before his injury that ended his riding career, and how to make the â€Å"perfect† chili. So, once again, it is easy for the reader to recognize who is speaking by what he or she is talking about. Social acceptance is also a large point made in the novel. Thomas grew up as a Ute Indian and eventually became a bronco rider in rodeos. It is obvious that social acceptance is dependent on language because Thomas much change everything about himself to be accepted by the white riders. He was obligated to speak differently and he could not express his feelings in the way he was brought up. Thomas could not express himself freely because he had grown up singing traditional Ute hymns with his mother to show their feeling, and he was not allowed to do that anymore.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay -- sports, athletes, drug addiction

Fourth quarter, three seconds left, tie game. Bodies exhausted and sweat all over. Ball in hand and the shot goes up. Swoosh, and the crowd goes wild! The intensity in the arena is insane and the fans all cheer out. This is what all athletes dream of. Playing the sport that they love and getting paid to do it, but how can a professional perform at the top of their game and have supporting fans if they waste everything away on drugs. They have people who look up to them as role models and they get paid to perform. The sport is their life and also supports others. Non-professional athletes are not held to this standard however and should be allowed to do as they please. Although some drugs can be seen as damaging to the health of individuals, especially athletes, some drugs can be used in other ways. However the main problem of drugs isn’t the use of the drug but the abuse. People become addicted to the substance and tend to rely on it rather than occasional use. Someone such as an athlete should not be addicted to something so life consuming as a drug. The lack of self-control with athletes towards the drugs has become a concerning social problem. Those who watch sports or look up to athletes have noticed the great disappointment when the drugs affect their body in many ways so professionals should be held to a higher standard than high school athletes. â€Å"High school athletes are not under contract, they do not get paid, and they don’t have social expectations. Professional athletes are expected to treat their bodies a certain way and drugs interfere with that. A high school player is without expectations and they should be able to decide for themselves what they do. Whether drugs cause enough harm to interfere with an athlete’s fu... ...Top List Of NBA's Most Valuable Teams." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 23 Jan. 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. dollar-knicks-and-lakers-top-list-of-nbas-most-valuable-teams/>. "Drug Abuse & Addiction." Drug Abuse and Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, and Help for Drug Problems and Substance Abuse. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2014. nt.htm>. "Opinion L.A." Student Drug Testing Doesn't Work [Blowback]. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. . "Parents, Experts Divided on School Drug Testing." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. childrens_health/t/parents-experts-divided-school-drug-testing/>.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

American Media Studies

McDonaldization is an expression used to describe a society which resembles fast-food joint. It is the process in which a society shows characteristics of fast-food restaurant. It is concentrates on moving away from traditional thought to rational approach with the help of scientific management (Thussu, 1998). It is based on four primary components which are efficiency, calculability, predictability and control. In terms of McDonaldization, efficiency is the essential aspect of the organization which is used to manage time.Calculability focuses on the quantity of work done by the workers of the organization. Predictability is the component which focuses on standardized and uniform services to be provided to the consumer. The last component is control which focuses on standardized and uniform workers. Hence, McDonaldization is the main ideology and philosophy of fast-food restaurants which are coming to control the American and international society. 2. How does MTV confirm but also r eject the notion of McDonaldization? MTV deals with the wishes, dreams and hopes of teenagers and has become their center of discussion.It is a culture in self having its own news, fashion and music programs which is influencing the entire generation of youth(Thussu, 1998). Although MTV has no link with consumerism, it is still linked with Mcdonaldization. It concentrates mainly on the youth of the country who are brainwashed with western concept of McDonaldization. It is considered to be a soft imperialism with the ambition of homogenizing the cultures of the world as it connects them through communications, information and entertainment. For example, MTV India promotes pop stars and singing sensations of India instead of Americans yet it maintains American presence.MTV promotes local culture integrated with the concept of McDonaldization. 3. What is Hollywood hegemony? The ideology of Hollywood to produce entertainment is the underlying motive aimed to produce something which bene fits the corporate interests. Hollywood is one of the institutions which support hegemony (Thussu, 1998). Hollywood movies can attract users from all over the world to get involved in emotional narratives which leave them to feel helpless and numb. The steady hegemony of Hollywood is considered to be a term used for the expansion of American market and becoming dominant throughout the world.Hollywood is economically, institutionally and politically powerful which allows it to use its influence worldwide without any competition. Hollywood hegemony is the growth and expansion of its influence at a global level. 4. Why are there concerns about cultural diversity? Cultural diversity includes all the cultural dissimilarities and variation which exist between people based on language, dress, traditional and custom values, organization of society, their concept of ethics and religion (Thussu, 1998).Since the entire world has productively adapted to different conditions, separate societies have surfaced on the globe. There are concerns about cultural diversity because international firms and companies are promoting consumer culture, urbanity, standardized services, products and values and exploitation of material needs and necessities (Thussu, 2009). Cultural diversity is negatively impacted by Americanization because local cultures are adopting American traditional values and customs. Consequently, the growing cultural contact is decreasing the traditional practices.New global communities are emerging out. As globalization brings prosperity to human practices, homogenization has led to mono-culturalism. Americanization has negatively influenced the local cultures. 5. What is the future of `Global English`? The Mcdonaldization, Americanization and globalization of societies, the entire world is trying to adopt one language as medium of communication. Business domain, media, magazines, electronic media, etc have strong English language influence which shows that its us e and study will persist on expanding.In the coming future, it may be possible that global English will be challenged (Thussu, 1998). For instance, several multi-language communities will become more protective of their language even at the rapid spread and development of English. Topic 2 American Media and Local Cultures American media influences can be seen in various spheres of local cultures. The spread of American media includes television, movies and music which have been the basis of Americanization in local cultures after the end of world war two.American media has generated a self-governing and independent culture which has severely influenced different cultures of the world. It has made an attempt to synchronize and integrate American customs and traditional values (Thussu, 1998). It has manipulated and influenced the youth of local cultures by showing only what it is allowed to do. The social impact of Americanization has been unconstructive and harmful as empirical studi es have found out that American content of media has lead to propagation of cultural values of the American society.It has increased drug abuse, alcohol abuse and violence against women as well promotion of unhealthy lifestyle (Thussu, 1998). Adolescent prefer to eat American junk food and soft drink rather than eating their traditional food. Medical professionals from the entire world are worried that American media can contribute to health problems in children and teenagers. Television programs such as The Simpsons, Desperate Housewives, NCIS, Ugly Betty, etc are the most popular television programs all over the world.American singers such as Pink, Miley Cyrus, etc have become popular and local singers are being ignored. Simultaneously, American products are also preferred by consumers. We see local cultures preferring Starbucks coffee and eating junk food from McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc. I had visited Sweden last year. It was very surprising to seen American culture over ther e as I saw all the American television channels. They showed Fear Factor, Deal or no Deal, Apprentice, etc which have gained popularity in Sweden.It was surprising to see that how the Swedish have been influenced by Americans in all aspects of daily life ranging from the way they talk to the way young Swedish people talked about going to McDonalds, Pizza hut, etc. Walking in a mall, I saw L’Oreal, Victoria’s Secret, Nike, Puma, McDonald’s, etc advertising their products. IN today’s time, young generation prefer living in big cities and want to live an independent life. Both husband and wife work and prefer living alone away from their in-laws.The increasing globalization has increased the presence of American multinationals world-wide. American media is the dominant medium which has influenced all the cultures of the world. It is essential for other cultures to stop the spread of American cultural products worldwide. Young generations are copying American media willingly. It is becoming a disgrace that the youth are forgetting their national identity and are being influenced by the American media. Younger generation is becoming more active and prefers working in multinationals and is slowly changing the culture around the world.Television is considered to be important tool for obtaining social values. The acquisition of American social values has increased violence and unhealthy lifestyle among teenagers. It has also increased the process of loneliness, depression and other mental problems in youth. References: Thussu, Daya Kishan,. (1998). Electronic Empires: Global Media and Local Resistance. London: Arnold. Thussu, Daya Kishan. (2009). Why Internationalize Media Studies and How? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, TBA, San Francisco, CA

Friday, August 16, 2019

Jesus as a teacher Essay

Many business leaders of today should understand that one way to improve the output of their employees and human capital is to further increase their training. Although of course this would imply additional calls to the companies if they are the ones who would be shouldering the expenses, a cost-benefit analysis would show that education and investing in human capital is well worth the while and would result in higher profits. This lesson is learned from Jesus when he sent the disciples out to do the ministries, for he understood that it would be enough in just to lecture them on the teachings of God, but also to provide them with firsthand training experience as a foundation for he knew that the time would come that he would be gone (Thousand Oaks, 1993). In the Journal of financial business management, specifically the area of quantitative finance, Cruz underlines the popular method of management dynamics which is the deployment of skilled laborers that have undergone enough training to other franchises and branches of certain business or organization. This falls under matrix management, and a factor that the author claims must be gained and learned by many of the managers and leaders of large corporations with fast-moving goods. This allows for better training experience not only for the employees of the parent company for the constant reshuffling of skilled labor entices others to learn specialized skills, it is also allows for the other sister companies to provide their own trained labor the shuffled back into the system. A result of such management method would be better employees and skilled labor all throughout the system of the company. This is easily recognizable by the sending out of the 12 disciples for it reflects how the distribution of learned and skilled individuals entices others to do the same, letting the learning process grow exponentially over a large geographical location without necessarily having to sacrifice complete learning. One merely needs to look at how much Christianity has developed over the centuries, and if you look at our historical accounts, we realize that it was Jesus idea in the first place that started the missionary work that had allowed for other such institutions under the church to follow suit. (Cruz, 2000) A fast-moving product company, it is essential for leaders and managers to understand the basic needs of consumers in order to increase revenues and decrease costs of production – and eventually increase their profits. It is one thing for leaders and managers to understand the concepts behind the distribution methods of such a company, it is as yet again another thing for them to see firsthand how consumers act to certain variables in certain conditions. jesus as a teacher This, perhaps, is the single most important factor of leadership which we can learn from the teachings and actions of Jesus. We do not need any more to enumerate one by one the Gospels, chapters, and versus where Jesus has reflected such a value because we are already quite knowledgeable of the fact that all throughout the Gospel and all throughout the life of Jesus, he had been the embodiment of teaching. And although the Ministry in teaching was only in the time span of in and around three and half years, during that time he showed that he was the world’s master teacher. His teachings were not merely segregated to lectures for he had also performed the greatest actions and miracles of any story ever said or told (Singer-Towns, 2005). Also, unlike many people who preach about certain teachings and do not do the actions themselves, Jesus asked a teacher exemplified how one should practice what one preaches. He performed great miracles and plot a new way of life and its teachings was not only a modification of various teachings that were set before new ideas that came into existence only when he arrived. Another important factor to point out in discussing Jesus as a teacher is he did not teach very complicated concepts and ideas. Unlike modern teachers of various institutions and universities where one required at least an IQ of 130 in order to even barely understand what they are teaching, the teachings of Jesus were simple to use, words and interest, people. His teachings were so simple that almost anyone who had listened to him – according to the Gospels written – could easily understood him. And when the time came that people could not easily relate to the teachings, he had used one of the most popular tools that are readily available to teachers that only a few took advantage of. As a matter of fact, this method has been so associated with Jesus that dimension or the hearing of the word itself would bring to mind the person. What we are talking about are parables (Woolfe, 2000). Also, his teachings and illustrations and examples of the lessons that he wanted to deliver to those who were listening to him were so near and familiar to the listeners that they could easily understand him. Complicated principles are broken down into simple stories in order for people to truly understand what he was saying. This was also a ingenious way of escaping persecution by the Pharisees and scribes of the time, for who can say that it is illegal to say the truth life story with a special meaning. However again we again go back to the point that the things that she is up for still more important than his methods. What he had addressed his disciples and these listeners and eventually the Gospel were not merely modifications of fast philosophies, but rather a completely new way of life which he summed up in one sentence. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Just among the many of these teachings are his endless discussions with business cycles and followers about the kingdom of God. He made clear that he was the good news, and reminded everyone that the world is not out of control (Thomas Nelson, 2003). God is still in charge, but he has given us free will and not like merely machines that are wound up by the great creator. We have free will, and yet ruled by King, and that is God. Still another parable that had so much effect on his disciples and listeners as the parable of the sower. It was about a farmer who went out to sow his seeds which landed on many types of land, much like how we are. Also, a memorable parable that would perhaps stick with us as Roman Catholics were ever is a parable of the prodigal son. There are also many other parables that are located all throughout the Gospels which would be perhaps too long to enumerate here in our patent. That is just a flea stressing the fact that as a teacher, the device used by Jesus is very effective in delivering his thoughts. In our modern business setting, leaders of organizations should also be teachers. Teachers are not the only exclusive schools and universities. Indeed, many of the key personalities throughout our lives are also our teachers. However, as we progress towards time and we discover our professional selves, many of us have stopped becoming teachers and started to think that we are all merely cogs in a great machine, not anymore responsible for any other people and do not anymore want to share the knowledge that we have gained. It is a common malpractice and misconceptions many of the presidents and managers of business organizations today that they do not need anymore to teach their subordinates. They expect that subordinates can learn for themselves and that employees need practical training experience in order to survive. As we have discussed earlier in this paper, this is true, however, it is also essential or leaders and business managers to share their knowledge and experience to other employees in the elements of their human capital not only in order to increase their profits but also as a basic responsibility of being an employer. Leaders, first and foremost, must be lifelong learners. This is not the first time we hear of this when in face with the leadership. However, some may find its leaders may also be teachers could be a new idea. Some teachers see themselves as experts in their fields and it is their role to impart knowledge to students or empty vessels. However, some see themselves as guides to share what they know, but understand that some students may also already have the proper knowledge that they need. Any of the two are positive traits, as one can readily observe, but in order for us to truly integrate the teachings of Jesus as lead, we must not only teach because of our selfish desires and to increase our utilities or satisfaction levels. We must teach because of love, and it is because of love that Jesus imparts his knowledge – the desire to save humankind. Some say the great teachers have within them not only purpose but the smallest passion. And if that is the case, what better way to express this point than by dining in the cross. What better way for him to let us understand that he was truly passionate about what he taught and that what he said was actually true then by sacrificing his own life for us, but spilling the blood and saving us. Also, we wanted we could learn from Jesus as a teacher which also should be applied by modern leaders of businesses is that we should hear it very important points. Although it is not readily obvious in the Gospel and the life story of Jesus, if we observe his teachings one by one, we would eventually notice that there are only basically a handful of concepts that he wanted people to understand and realize, and that each and every time he presented it in a rather different form. This has allowed them to repeat the important points of what he wanted to say and allowed his listeners to remember is more clearly.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nature and Human

NATURE AND HUMAN Nature and human have always interacted throughout history, and the interaction of the two forces has evolved into a series of demands that people have put on nature to survive and develop. By contrast a minority of people have questioned the state of things and tried to figure out how humanity and nature can interact and develop together, and through their questioning they have come to define their idea as ecological cosmology. To begin with it is important to always start from the word itself, as each and every word has a meaning firstly by itself, and then it can acquire more depth through its use in a given context.Ecological cosmology comes from the Greek ‘oikos' and ‘logos' , these two words define respectively a ‘dwelling place' and a ‘discourse' or ‘intelligible manifestation'. Ecological is something that deals with the environment in which one is, and on what can be said of that environment. Cosmology is instead related to â₠¬Ëœkosmos' or order and its intelligible manifestation, thus it can be said that there is an intelligible order or a logic to how things happen.Ecological cosmology can be seen as the order in which things happen in a given environment, and many versions of it exist, as many people with different backgrounds thought of defining the order of things depending on how themselves and their environment are shaped or are going to be shaped. â€Å"The mythological process deals not only with natural objects, but with the creative potencies whose original product is consciousness itself. So it is here that our expl anation breaks through into objectivity and becomes wholly objective (Shelling, 207). Ecological cosmology has been seen as a mythological force, of creative and positive nature, which comes to define elements of nature, and the perceptiveness of them that people come to have. Talking about nature and ecological cosmology becomes as a result part of a discourse that does not limi t itself on discussing how a myth can come to be seen in nature, but also on the fact that a myth becomes an object that people can see in nature and attribute a representation to it – that can be viewed on how people see and define elements and objects within nature and how these objects happen to effect the relationship of mankind and nature. It is worth noting that no moral cause ever got very far that could not speak to religious conviction, drawing on the deeper sensibilities that guide public opinion even in our more secular era (Scully, pp. 12-13). † Throughout the evolution of mankind, people have gone through different phases of ecological cosmology and at one point or another – ecological cosmology happened to be tied in with Christian principles to be viewed as something more approachable as a way of being within nature, rather than the sole use of nature.For instance at one moment or the other nature has been perceived as an element of God's creations , in which people were to live abiding the rule of God, and using nature to further man's position on earth. It is interesting to see in fact how the evolution of Christianity has put people first as representation of God's will on Earth and then after only at a second time, people have seen nature as something to needy of care.Interestingly enough nature has been for most part of humanity's history the giver in a relationship – care towards it instead has always come at a second time and out of the feeling of guilt rather than respect in a balanced environment, as solely humanity and people have seen balance in the goods generated by nature.It is also worth noting that in times when nature got attention it has been mostly the attention of an intellectual elite, and even in cultural movement such as romanticism – attention to nature and its care have solely been regarded as a pastime, like for example when in the late 1800s the British high society started to find inte rest in gardening and even that has been solely related to an elite status.Intellectuals and elites have been able to move society forward within limits, but sadly those limits haven't been altered too much or challenged even within those circles. Results have been many compared to a level of development that mankind has obtained out of the use of the many fruits of mother nature, it is interesting to point out that those phases of interest in nature have been mostly occurring after intense industrial development's periods – and because of that they have become the hadow after the light of successes of science and scientific research. Yet those phases have brought onto people the harsh reality and needs that follow advancements as those have a price, and results that not only affect increasing social conditions, but also that affect people with challenging bad health conditions and a state of realization to people that at any of hose junctions realize the damages in nature's ecosystems.Furthermore it is interesting to realize how Renaissance, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Impressionism and Expressionism have challenged the status quo on a cultural level. All those cultural, artistic and ‘elitist' movements have allowed men to have a reality check with its contemporary community, and given they all developed a specific code in any given location in which they took place.They have started a constant discourse that has led people to one's realization nature and humanity need to re-balance one another – and the balance to be found is not as easy to come by as it is expected even after constant technical development in both industrial and artisanal methods, the situation people are put in front of holds many challenges, and the biggest one of them involves a change in understanding and dealing with nature all together. erably failed. But he was a humble seeker of Truth. He was a man with exceptional sincerity, honesty and truthfulness. For him, un derstanding meant action. Once any principle appealed to him, he immediately began to translate that in practice. He did not flinch from taking risks and did not mind confessing mistakes. No opposition, scorn or

Unit 14 – Describe the Role of Two Other Professionals

E8 describe the role of two other professionals who support the needs of children with special needs and their families The other two professionals who support the needs of children with special needs and their families are Speech therapist: Speech therapists are other professionals who work closely with parents, carers and other professionals such as teachers, nurses, occupational therapists and doctor’s in order to improve the speech and language problem of the children. Evaluation by a certified speech-language pathologist can help determine if your child is having difficulties. Speech-language therapy is the treatment for most kids with speech and/or language disorders. † (Speech Language Therapy, 2012) The major roles of a speech therapist are to identify children’s developmental speech and communication problems. They access in treating problems that are caused due to cleft palate or disorders and implementing and revising treatment programmes.They also supp ort children by working one to one with them, calculating the children’s progress and most importantly maintaining confidentiality. Lastly, speech therapists support the families of children with special needs by making them aware of the problem, giving them information, referring them to specialists and informing them regarding their children’s progress. Physiotherapist: Physiotherapists are other professionals who help treat people of all ages with physical problems caused by illness accident or ageing, for example: low muscle tone, posture etc.Physiotherapists support children with special needs by evaluating the problems of the child’s problem, improving their breathing to avoid any malfunction, helps slow down the bad effects that are caused by disease and teach the children various exercises for their bodies. â€Å"Physiotherapists are probably the best known of the therapists who work with children with special needs. They use exercises to help their pat ients gain and keep the best possible use of their bodies. (A Special Child in The Family, 2012) Physiotherapists also support the families by providing information about their children and also teaching them various exercises that they could do at home with their children. They also support by giving them information about how to handle their children, for example: how to lift things without straining your back. http://www. specialchild. co. uk/therapists. htm http://kidshealth. org/parent/system/ill/speech_therapy. html

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Twelve Angry Men

According to Rose, the jury system is flawed; discuss Rose Kealy A jury is a body of people who are sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them. This is shown and demonstrated in the play, Twelve Angry men, written by Reginald Rose. However, in the play, the jury system can be seen as flawed and imperfect. The faults in the play are displayed by the twelve juries that were selected to represent the case presented. The lack of knowledge, prejudice and the personality clashes are all examples of the flaws in the jury system that are shown in the Twelve Angry Men. Rose was able to express that in the play During the play Twelve Angry Men, Rose finds the flaws in the personality chosen for the jury case. Rose demonstrates to the audience that the 12 juror members have very different personalties which in some circumstances work together but most of the time they create incidences and commotion. The personality clashes are mostly seen between the 3rd juror and the 8th juror â€Å"God damn it! I'll kill him! I'll kill him† and â€Å"Shut up, you son of a bitch! † shows the tension, suspense and displeasure between these two jurors. The two jurors are a huge part in the play and it is their personalities that clash the most. The tension however is not just shown between these two jurors. â€Å"Do you know you're a sick man? † â€Å"who the hell is he to tell me that? † is examples from the 9th and 10th jurors. These remarks are found throughout the play and underline the importance of needing to work together. Rose is able to point out the flaws in the jury system by not having each juror analysed before the case to learn their personalties and traits. These incidents however can relate and intertwine with the prejudice and discrimination found in the jury rooms. In Twelve Angry Men, Rose highlights the potential flaws that can be found in the jury system, where prejudice interferes and the pursuit of justice. This is shown mostly by the 3rd Juror in his unwillingness to change his initial ‘guilty' verdict and the manner in which he characterises, ‘kids†¦ owadays. Angry! Hostile! ‘. This view is held because the 3rd Juror relates to his troubled and tense relationship with his son as it corresponds to the defendants relationship with his father. It is displayed that the 3rd juror wants to punish the young boy for the pain that the jurors on pain put on him. The 3rd juror isn't look for the facts or details of the case, he is just acting on his own emotions. This then leads to a fault in the jury system as the personality of one jury impacts the ability for the jurors to make a logical verdict on the case. The 10th juror also makes some assumptions in deciding the boy's guilt or innocence rather than looking at the actually facts. â€Å"It's those people! I'm tellin' you they let the kids run wild up there. Well, maybe it serves em' right†¦ † In the play, Rose was able to point out that the flaws of the jury system and that not knowing the twelve people chosen can result in prejudiced and discrimination and not the truth that surrounds the case and defendant. In Twelve Angry Men, Rose highlights the importance of knowing and understanding the jury system and what it involves. There is a range of different jurors who have different knowledge and expectations of what is expected of the jury room and role. â€Å"I never knew they locked the door† is a prime example of the awareness and insight of the jury system. Whereas Juror 11, the immigrant watchmaker seemed to be more interested and fascinated by the juror system then those who are from America. â€Å"I don't believe I have to be loyal to one side or the other†¦ † demonstrates the 11th jurors judgement and appreciation for the system and the case. Rose is able to explain the importance of understanding and the importance of the jury system and the case that is presented in front of the 12 jurors. According to Rose, the jury system is flawed and this can be demonstrated through the play of Twelve Angry Men. The play is based around the personality clashes of each of the jurors, the prejudiced and discrimination found by some of the men and the lack of knowledge and interest in the jury system by all the jurors. All these contribute to a jury system that can be seen as faulty and imperfect by Rose. Twelve Angry Men According to Rose, the jury system is flawed; discuss Rose Kealy A jury is a body of people who are sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them. This is shown and demonstrated in the play, Twelve Angry men, written by Reginald Rose. However, in the play, the jury system can be seen as flawed and imperfect. The faults in the play are displayed by the twelve juries that were selected to represent the case presented. The lack of knowledge, prejudice and the personality clashes are all examples of the flaws in the jury system that are shown in the Twelve Angry Men. Rose was able to express that in the play During the play Twelve Angry Men, Rose finds the flaws in the personality chosen for the jury case. Rose demonstrates to the audience that the 12 juror members have very different personalties which in some circumstances work together but most of the time they create incidences and commotion. The personality clashes are mostly seen between the 3rd juror and the 8th juror â€Å"God damn it! I'll kill him! I'll kill him† and â€Å"Shut up, you son of a bitch! † shows the tension, suspense and displeasure between these two jurors. The two jurors are a huge part in the play and it is their personalities that clash the most. The tension however is not just shown between these two jurors. â€Å"Do you know you're a sick man? † â€Å"who the hell is he to tell me that? † is examples from the 9th and 10th jurors. These remarks are found throughout the play and underline the importance of needing to work together. Rose is able to point out the flaws in the jury system by not having each juror analysed before the case to learn their personalties and traits. These incidents however can relate and intertwine with the prejudice and discrimination found in the jury rooms. In Twelve Angry Men, Rose highlights the potential flaws that can be found in the jury system, where prejudice interferes and the pursuit of justice. This is shown mostly by the 3rd Juror in his unwillingness to change his initial ‘guilty' verdict and the manner in which he characterises, ‘kids†¦ owadays. Angry! Hostile! ‘. This view is held because the 3rd Juror relates to his troubled and tense relationship with his son as it corresponds to the defendants relationship with his father. It is displayed that the 3rd juror wants to punish the young boy for the pain that the jurors on pain put on him. The 3rd juror isn't look for the facts or details of the case, he is just acting on his own emotions. This then leads to a fault in the jury system as the personality of one jury impacts the ability for the jurors to make a logical verdict on the case. The 10th juror also makes some assumptions in deciding the boy's guilt or innocence rather than looking at the actually facts. â€Å"It's those people! I'm tellin' you they let the kids run wild up there. Well, maybe it serves em' right†¦ † In the play, Rose was able to point out that the flaws of the jury system and that not knowing the twelve people chosen can result in prejudiced and discrimination and not the truth that surrounds the case and defendant. In Twelve Angry Men, Rose highlights the importance of knowing and understanding the jury system and what it involves. There is a range of different jurors who have different knowledge and expectations of what is expected of the jury room and role. â€Å"I never knew they locked the door† is a prime example of the awareness and insight of the jury system. Whereas Juror 11, the immigrant watchmaker seemed to be more interested and fascinated by the juror system then those who are from America. â€Å"I don't believe I have to be loyal to one side or the other†¦ † demonstrates the 11th jurors judgement and appreciation for the system and the case. Rose is able to explain the importance of understanding and the importance of the jury system and the case that is presented in front of the 12 jurors. According to Rose, the jury system is flawed and this can be demonstrated through the play of Twelve Angry Men. The play is based around the personality clashes of each of the jurors, the prejudiced and discrimination found by some of the men and the lack of knowledge and interest in the jury system by all the jurors. All these contribute to a jury system that can be seen as faulty and imperfect by Rose.