Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychology Essay Example

Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychology Essay Example Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychology Essay Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychology Essay Taking a critical view of the qualifications required for administering psychotherapy: shedding light on why the yoga practice and Eastern philosophies are not considered therapies whereas humanism and positive psychology are accredited. Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychology 2/1 1/2014 Clatter-Suzanne sore (561993 (M)) Selene vela (390593 (M)) Emilie coupled (68225 (A)) Introduction Academically, an individual becomes a psychologist after completing a first degree in psychology, a masters program in a specific psychological field, and a further program set to acquire a work warranty as a professional. Furthermore, to be a psychologist, one must encompass 5 cardinal values (PAP, 2010). These values are beneficence and malefaction, fidelity and responsibility, integrity, Justice, respect for peoples rights and dignity (PAP, 2010). Once a psychologist adheres to the aforementioned academic achievements and ethical codes, they are authorized to engage in psychotherapeutic practice. The main focus of this paper will be to analyses the principle of humanism and positive psychology In relation to unaccredited Eastern philosophies and the yoga practice that have synonymous benefits to psychotherapy, but are delivered by different professionals/non-professionals. Initially the focus will be on humanistic psychology and positive psychology, followed by specific values of the humanistic theory in relation to the practice of psychotherapy. This will be followed by an analytic view point of mindfulness based therapies. In addition we will attempt to delve into aspects of how one can quantify the emotional benefit derived from the aforementioned practices, the scientific benefits of the yoga practice, and finally, consider the use of intuition in clinical practice and Eastern philosophy. Humanistic Psychology and Positive Psychology The main objective of humanistic psychology is to aid individuals in achieving the potential within the individual that is present at birth. This highlights and alms to develop dignity and self-worth of each individual, and thus promotes their authenticity (Ragman, 2008). In therapy It Is the clients perception that Is emphasized so that the therapist can fully conceptualize the clients subjective experience of their current Internal state (Corey, 2013). Furthermore, the psychologist that allows self-exploration even after the required therapy sessions have been employed (Corey, 2013). In the same way, positive psychology is a model which highlights the value of being hopeful, spiritual, wise, responsible and resilient in everyday life (Cone Teen, 2010). Positive psychology focuses on the adaptive, creative and intrinsic motivation in the lives of individuals. It is specified to address the optimal functioning of ordinary people and their everyday lives, highlighting their positive attributes not only within themselves but also within the community (Sheldon King, 2001). One of the main shortcomings of such an approach is that the psychologist is required to possess a certain degree of maturity along with life experience, extensive training and comprehensive knowledge of existentialism (Corey, 2013). Thus, one might argue whether the academic achievements achieved through the psychologists previous training are enough to validate the psychotherapeutic methods they offer. In Mascots self-actualization theory he produces a schema that the humanistic biology that makes up an individual is good or neutral. In Mascots hierarchy of needs, this humanistic biology is seen to derive its energy from deficiency needs and growth needs (Rickrack, 2008). The hierarchy starts with a base level of physiological needs, moving on to safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs and finally self-actualization and growth needs. According to Mascots humanistic approach people who are self- actualities are problem-centered, are interested in taking on projects that benefit others and tend to feel a greater sense of personal accomplishment. The character of self-actualities people is generally non-critical, detached from the dominant culture but they adhere to societys rules. Self-actualities people are able to understand heir own shortcomings and are willing to seek assistance or guidance when their personal inventory of knowledge is limited (Rickrack, 2008). If humanistic psychologists view the essentially most developed aspect of an individual to be based on a foundation of six steps that need to be achieved before reaching their full potential, one would argue on how it is possible to have nothing and really have everything. Examples of such a postulation are characters such as Mother Theresa. Thus, adopting a critical perspective, one can argue whether it is actually possible to measure self-actualization. If it not possible to measure self-actualization, then how is humanistic psychology different to eastern philosophy in terms of statistical validity? In the spectrum of therapies used in humanism, mindfulness based therapy is one of the accredited psychotherapeutic domains for psychological intervention. Mindfulness is the concept of being aware of your own cognitive and affective state of mind. Mindfulness allows one to be totally in the present moment, without passing judgment, and maintaining an earnest attitude to their current state and mental processes (Burks Kabobs,2012). When considering mindfulness based psychotherapy, and eastern meditation, the main difference is that mindfulness based psychotherapy can be quantified using MASS and other scales. The MASS measures the amount of instances in which individuals enter a mindful state (Brown Ryan,2003). After mindfulness based psychotherapy, the MASS : Mindful Attention Awareness Scale reveals that this intervention is associated with lower expression of neurotics, anxious and depressive feelings as well as negative affectively. In fulfillment, dignity and self-actualization. Furthermore, it also corresponded to higher autonomy, competency and relatedness; all of which constitute the basic tenets underlying self-determination theory (Brown Ryan, 2003). In addition, mindfulness also corresponds to Openness to experience as explained in the Big Five. However, since openness to experience is in itself indefinable, the validity of mindfulness being a part of the spectrum is open to interpretation (Costa McCrae, 1992; as cited in Brown Ryan, 2003). This means that the essential difference between a psychotherapist initiating mindfulness based psychotherapy and a practitioner of Eastern philosophy initiating meditation is that a psychotherapist has the tools for identifying and interpreting the resulting outcomes of the therapy. Mindfulness- based cognitive therapy (AMBIT) is an intervention derived from Kebab-Zions (1990) 8 week group treatment program aimed at reducing stress, and involves components of cognitive behavioral therapy. The objective of this therapy is for the treatment of depression and to increase awareness of personal and negative thoughts. The therapist assigns specific tasks which enable the client to apply skills learned in the hereby room into the external environment (Corey, 2013). Another mindfulness based approach emphasizes acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) which focuses on increasing non-judgmental awareness and acceptance rather than attempting to alter the individuals cognitive state (Corey, 2013). Consequently, mindfulness highlights the importance of being in the present moment rather than formulating an ideology of self-judgment and criticism (Carson Longer, 2006). In light of this information, one may ask: how can we say that mindfulness based psychotherapy is better or different to meditation? Potential describes meditation as a mental saddens (practice) which leads one to a ashamed paranoia which means a transformation towards tranquility. Meditation is said to lead a person to a balanced state of mind, and to provide spiritual attainment through observation and reflection of oneself (lounger, 2002). An evident distinction in mindfulness based therapies and Buddhist meditation is that the cognitive states when entering the intervention are different and distinct, however the resulting post-meditative state results in the same cognitive mindful awareness (Carson Longer (1989); as cited in Carson Longer, 2006)). This means that both types of intervention are technically different but are essentially leading to the same, focused, therapeutic result. This raises questions as to why psychologists need to be accredited to initiate mindfulness based therapeutic interventions, whereas practitioners of Eastern philosophy are using similar interventions without being regulated. Scientific Evidence of the Benefits of Yoga Derived from Eastern philosophy, Yoga was perceived by Westerns as a path to self- realization. According to Potential, yoga is made up of action, self-discipline, self- duty, and surrender to the divine. The physical (practice) asana focuses on taps; the desire to remove impurities from the body, spirit, and mind. This practice over many years will bring intelligence, and a full, vibrant life (lounger, 2002). The maintenance of the yoga practice provides benefits such as changes in perspective, increased self-awareness, and a general sense of energize motivation to live a positive, fulfilling life (Woodward, 2011). More recently and with the basis of scientific inquiry, Yoga is believed to provide physical and mental health benefits. It has Kandahar Verbally, 2012). The yoga practices combats the physiological fight or flight response in the autonomic nervous system, and thus provides the individual with the tools for dealing effectively with stresses, in order to continue to explore a more balanced state of cognition (Woodward, 2011). The yoga practice has been found to improve psychophysiology in individuals, as well as improve memory, cognition, and general well-being in any individuals life (Albuquerque et al. 2012). It is interesting to note that the scientific evidence provides us with a new perspective on owe we can lead individuals to a state of overall well-being in their life. Thus, if yoga is a practice that can be practiced by anyone, in order to benefit their well-being, and psychology benefits the general well-being of individuals life, then one would ask how ethical it is that psychology is not readily offered to all people, and yet yoga studios and meditation centers are largely available and at only a fraction of the cost of psychotherapy. This being said, among the values of psychology and yoga, one notable distinction is that one who attends a psychotherapeutic session is protected y the law, and their confidentiality and anonymity is preserved throughout treatment. Other techniques derived from particular aspects of the yoga practice are loving-kindness meditation and compassion meditation. Loving-kindness meditation (ELK) is a clinical technique used to instill a sense of profound loving compassion in the client for all those that surround him/her throughout their life (Grossman, Hint Hofmann, 2011). Another technique used in line with ELK is compassion meditation (CM) which is meditation that centers on empathic feelings towards others who have been subject to misfortune in their lives. The result of the therapies together do not necessarily create a compassionate psyche, however, they present the individual with the tools to be curious of their own personal feelings, and cultivate compassion in moments of anger, thus preserving the individuals current state of peace, and not allowing external disturbances to affect the individuals state (Grossman, Hint Hofmann, 2011). This therapy, directly derived from Buddhist tradition allows an individual to cultivate feeling of gratitude and kindness towards oneself, and eventually understanding that these feelings are universal in all human nines, and thus the kindness and compassion is shared with others (Grossman, Hint Hofmann, 2011). Scientific evidence proves that the techniques of ELK and CM are effective interventions when clients are exposed to interpersonal issues, depression, anxiety, problems in their marriage, problems with anger management, and issues relating to the stresses of carving (Grossman, Hint Hofmann, 2011). Considering he physical and emotional benefits of the yoga practice in mind, a grey area arises within the construct of the ethical code for psychologists due to the act that not all psychologists may be informed of the benefits of this practice, and thus may not use these therapies to intervene when these therapies could be the most effective in the situation. This raises issues to whether a clinical practitioner can really be 100% ethical in their practice and choice of treatment. Intuition In clinics, professional psychologists are known to make use of intuitive processing of clinician uses this approach to direct therapeutic intervention and to form cognitions on the clients current situation. Intuition itself can be described as a process of ensign or attaining information from the external environment in order to make an informed decision or postulation about the internal current or future states that will develop within the client. Predisposing factors in the personality of the clinician will lead to a definite bias in the perception of pattern of observed behavior or cognition in clients, which leads to an intuitive Judgment (Welling, 2005). The four main phases of intuitive processing are detection phase (inception of a feeling) (Erik, 1948; as cited in Welling, 2005), dichotomy awareness phase (awareness of feeling), related object hash (cognitive postulation with an unclear emotional state) and metaphorical solution phase (concrete evaluation of emotional processing). When one analyses the intuitive processing that occurs within psychologists one can conclude that the manner in which an intuitive Judgment is formed cannot be quantified and thus cannot be scientifically proven. This lack of empirical evidence raises ethical concerns about whether a clinical psychologist is any better to a practitioner of Eastern philosophy who uses intuition based techniques throughout their practice. This Ewing said, clinicians need to be aware of any ethical dilemmas that may occur within client interactions in order to protect the well-being of their clients. A main issue of concern is that wrong intuitive Judgment can lead to unnecessary treatment processes. Conclusion When one looks at the many different psychological therapies that are based on derivatives of eastern philosophy, one is subject to question how we can devastate eastern philosophy as something that is not scientific and does not feature in a psychotherapeutic setting. It is interesting to note that from such an analytic view mint, it becomes increasingly aware of the possibility of viewing both psychology and eastern philosophy from scientific and unscientific, unaccredited stand points. This postulating raises significant dilemmas in the practice of psychology, as the practitioner needs to always keep informed and analyses their actions carefully in order to conform to ethical codes of conduct and not range into the unscientific aspects of psychology. Essentially, we can conclude that the use of psychotherapeutic methods and their benefits can be perceived and adapted to different cultures, and ore importantly, to individual needs. Thus, it is the prerogative of a qualified psychologist to integrate their academic knowledge, comply with ethical codes, and apply the most effective therapies for the context and always keep the clients best interest as the foundation for the therapeutic process.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

One Easy Way To Deepen Any Emotional Moment - Freewrite Store

One Easy Way To Deepen Any Emotional Moment - Freewrite Store As storytellers, we become very aware of certain buzzwords as they tend to be threaded into most writing articles, workshops, and how-to books. Show don’t tell, tension, conflict, backstory†¦these are all important concepts that come up again and again because they don’t belong in one box labelled â€Å"Plot† or â€Å"Character.† Of these buzzwords, one stands above the rest: emotion. Emotion is the powerful current that flows through every part of our story, from the plot and characters to the setting, pacing, theme†¦and beyond. It touches everything, giving all layers of our story a deeper meaning, and most importantly of all, it connects readers to our characters via empathy. If we can’t create that empathy link where readers feel emotionally invested in what’s happening, the book will close and the reader will move on. So learning how to write emotion well is probably our top job as writers. The key to empathy is really very simple: draw from the real world in a way that creates an instant (and powerful) sense of emotional recognition. In other words, write about things that are true to life and important to readers. Things they themselves have experienced and felt. In this way, we can encourage â€Å"shared experiences† where the reader isn’t just following along, but actively engaging to the point where they feel something deep and meaningful themselves. There are many ways to sharpen the emotional impact of a scene. Here’s one that is often overlooked. Emotions In Conflict If there’s one thing we know about the real world, it is that life is never simple, and this trickles right down to our basic emotions. Life would be so much easier if we could always define exactly what we feel in every moment, and be able to act on these emotions. The thing is, often we can’t because we are feeling several things at once, and of these, some are in conflict. Let’s look at a familiar scenario for writers: You’ve worked like crazy to hone your craft. You’ve read novels by the bookcase, put hundreds of hours in front of the keyboard, taken workshops, joined critique groups, studied and queried, and finally†¦you’ve sold your first book! All the hard work and the heartache along the way was worth it: a contract, an advance, a release date. Huzzah! You should feel ecstatic at attaining your goal, right? Yeah†¦no.    Instead, you feel a mixture of joy, pride, vindication, worry, doubt, and fear. Why? Because while your passion and dedication paid off, now you’re faced with what’s next: a contract means expectations, responsibilities, and deadlines. What if you blow the edits? What if the book fails to sell well? What if you screw up the follow-up book your publisher also contracted?Suddenly this crowning achievement also becomes a trip into the deepest reaches of your insecurity as you question whether you’re ready for the stress and pressure of the task ahead.   Conflicting emotions are part of our every day, making them part of the reader’s every day, too. During any emotional moment, we feel a range of things. And yet often in fiction, the emotional experience we deliver is one-note, a single emotion. We describe the character as being happy though body language, internal sensations, dialogue, and POV thoughts. Or, if we provide an emotional range, it is a complementary one, where we show a character happy and grateful and peaceful all rolled into one. Emotional experiences are usually complex, and contain both positive and negative elements. A character buying their first car is probably almost jittery-excited to drive it off the lot so they can cruise by their friend’s house and show it off. But if we dig deeper, maybe instead of going full-out, pedal to the floor, they’re driving a bit more cautiously. Why? Because getting into an accident isn’t an option. They extended themselves all the way to buy this car and can’t afford to replace it. In fact, maybe the euphoric rush of this new radical ride dims a little as they start to worry about how to afford the payments. The character doesn’t always get along with his boss, and while he gripes about work (what twenty-something doesn’t?) now maybe he has a bit of newfound gratitude toward his employer. The character realizes he’s lucky to have the job, and maybe he should put in more effort to make sure he keeps it.   Like this situation, emotions affect thought and action.When conflicting emotions are involved, it creates a mesmerizing push-and pull effect that readers latch onto because they know exactly what it’s like to feel opposing things and the dilemmas that sometimes result. Your Turn! The next time you sit down to write the emotional progression of a scene, challenge yourself to include some of the other emotions bubbling beneath the surface. Showing a few hints of conflicting behavior (such as wanting to let ‘er rip to see what a new car is capable of but driving sensibly instead) can be a natural gateway allowing you to introduce opposing emotions to readers. Angela Ackerman is a writing coach, international speaker, and co-author of five bestselling books including, The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression. Her popular guides are available in six languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. Angela is also the co-founder of the popular site Writers Helping Writers, as well as One Stop for Writers, an innovative online library filled with tools and resources to help writers elevate their storytelling. She would love you to visit sometime, and registration is always free.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Media Audiences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Media Audiences - Essay Example There is also the importance to differentiate between mass audiences that are broadcast to and the niche audiences involved in narrowcasting. In terms of subjectivity, there is the impact on the audience members by the membership of the pre-existing group including gender, religion, education and nation. It may also be defined in regard to a mainstream audience for the narrowcast media. This imagined mainstream is what elite and sub-cultural forms do define them. It is a socially constructed phenomena. In contrast to the critique of mass society, the culture of mainstream is not addressed to an audience that is homogenized as it is diverse and made of different multiple audiences that come from various demographic groups whose mode of engagement might have. This makes it appealing and also commercially lucrative. It may be hard to define, and its meaning normally shifts in accordance to its usage. Appreciating mass audiences will offer that opportunity of resisting adoption of the media’s terms as our own. Audience size together with commercial profitability is construction factors in mainstreaming though it should be understood independently. Though mainstream media are known as an object of passionate feelings, it is what that moves most of consumers to participation (Newma n, 1). Mass audience as included in the definition for the mass communication has distinguishing factors that include: it is heterogeneous in composition, composition of individuals is that of those who do not know each other, members of the mass are spatially separated, and the mass has a loose organization and leadership that is not definite (Napoli, 7). The new mass audience considers the mass audience as both the receiver and the sender of the message. An economist Dalls Smythe 1977 stated that the act of consuming media included a form of labour that is wageless engaged by

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Principles of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles of Marketing - Essay Example The formulation of a long term marketing plan ensures that the resort remains a popular tourist destination and highly competitive. In 2007, Alton Towers joined Merlin Entertainment Group which is the second largest and the most dynamic tourist attraction (Fyall et al., 2008). Merlin manages tourist attractions, hotels and holiday villages in different parts of the world. The growth strategy involves the continuous investment in all the attractions to improve quality of the customer service and experience. The company also aims to develop the theme parks into short break resort destinations with the inclusion of accommodation options and more quality entertainment along the Alton Tower model. Alton Towers is the ninth most visited theme park in Europe and the most popular park in the UK. The park attracts approximately 2.7 million visitors annually (Alton Towers, 2010). The resort has developed a 10 year plan to remain a favorite tourist destination and to ensure its competitiveness. Upon finalization, the plan should be handed over to the Council to notify them about the review process for the production of a n ew (SPD) Supplementary Planning Document for Alton Towers. Alton Towers should consider its environment before choosing the marketing principles to apply. The internal environment is composed of the staff, office technology and the departments in the organizations. The micro environment is composed of the customers, distributors and suppliers while the macro environments is composed of the Political (Legal) forces, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological forces which are popularly referred to as PEST (Hooley et al., 2004). These factors play an essential role in the creation of a marketing strategy. The success of an organization goes beyond the PEST analysis since it should consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which are referred to as the SWOT analysis. The resort has positioned itself

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Act three of the crucible Essay Example for Free

Act three of the crucible Essay This leaves Mary Warren accused, with no way out, as Abigail expands on this statement to make it seem more realistic. Abigail has achieved what she wanted, she has gotten the attention away from herself using her accusations. The tension builds as we dont know what Abigail is going to do next and we know that she is capable of destroying peoples lives. The Puritan society meant that everything revolved around God, the girls, knowing this, found that the strongest way to act was to accuse people of being against God. It would make them look in a better light as they are doing Gods work by ferreting the evil out of the village. Danforth, Hale and Hathorne believe that God is using the girls to help the village. This constant reference to the Bible and repetition of the puritan beliefs adds to the tension as it shows that they will not doubt the messengers of God. There is also a moment of humour were Proctor forgets one of the commandments, when he is trying to prove his wifes innocence. Throughout the whole ordeal Proctor stands as the voice of reason, speaking the truth but not being heard over the tumult of lies. He voices sensible faults to Abigails accusations. When Abigail sees a yellow bird, Proctor says that he cant see it and asks Hale the same thing even though he is being quieted by Danforth as he is trying to get the words out. He asks Hale because he thinks that Hale is starting to lose faith in the reliability of the court and calls to him for back up and support. He frantically tries to tell Danforth that the girls are just pretending in order to help Mary Warren, other wise he would feel guilty for Marys fate because he brought her there and told her to face up to Abigail and to tell the truth, Theyre pretending, Mr. Danforth! . . . Theyre gulling you Mister! This again adds to the tension as everyone is shouting over each other and the anger builds. As soon as everyone has been calmed down, once more they begin to yell their accusations over each other. The tension is built in peaks and troughs to keep the audience on edge. It is first built at the beginning when the characters first come on stage. It is lulled by Hale who asks for calm, and as they discuss the proceedings rationally, it is raised once more upon the entrance of Proctor as Parris claims he is there to overthrow the court. Another raise in tension is when Proctors wife is accused of keeping poppets in the house. Proctor cannot, despite the confession of Mary Warren, convince Danforth that it did not belong to Elizabeth. Abigail becomes worried that Danforth is starting to believe Proctor and so to strengthen the girls story she pretends she can feel a cold wind which is freezing her. The other girls pick up the act quickly and can also feel the wind. Proctor knows that they are only acting but cannot convince anyone else, as the girls have done it so much they start to believe it themselves. Act three Abigail : I I know not. A wind, a cold wind, has come. (her eyes fall on Mary) Mary : (terrified, pleading) Abby! Mercy : (shivering) Your Honour, I freeze! Proctor : Their pretending! Hathorne : She is cold, Your Honour, touch her! Abigail makes several attacks like this on Mary, when her and the other girls copy everything that Mary says and the one which finally cracks her, the yellow bird story. All these fantasies which Abigail makes up adds to the tension as we do not know what will happen to Mary if she does not confess. When Mary accuses Proctor she thinks she is doing what Abigail wants her to do but it ruins Abigails plan to get rid of Proctors wife so she could be with him instead. This is the end of the climax where Proctor is so angry at the injustice of the events and terrified of what with happen to him that in a moment of outrage that seals his arrest and ultimate hanging when he shouts out, I say I say God is dead! In the video the fury of the towns people is shown as they, in a Theocracy, feel very strongly about blasphemy. Proctor has seen the truth as he says that both Danforth and himself are doomed to hell as they have both sinned, Proctor : God damns our kind especially, and we will burn , we will burn together! . . . You are pulling Heaven down and raising up a whore! Hale has had enough and says he had nothing to do with the court proceedings and the overall verdict and storms out of the court. This is the final climax that Millar was building to the end were Proctor is so angry at Abigail and the court that he doesnt care any more. When he says, I say I say God is dead! He is basically signing his own death warrant as the tolerance for blasphemy in his society was non-existent. Proctor knew this and knew this would anger everyone but he also knew that he couldnt win. The end of the scene ends in chaos, as Hale storms out, The court falls apart, symbolising the less than perfect world of the Theocracy and their entire beliefs, which do not work when people have the freedom to lie and cause such thing as murder to happen legally and with the authorisation of the courts. I think that the point Arthur Miller is trying to make is that people will only believe what they want to believe. Also, there is not a straight line drawn through right and wrong, how crime and punishment are often influenced by thoughts, feelings and individual ideals. I think he is also trying to say that good doesnt always conquer over evil no matter how superior their principals, intensions or morals are. Stephanie Moore English Crucible essay Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a popular 18th century novel that illustrates the complex relationship between characters and the society in which they live in. In order to clearly show the audience the value of literary realism, Austen presents two characters that are so extreme, and â€Å"distorted†, in terms attitude, arrogance and opinion, that they help her justify Elizabeth's rational. Elizabeth's mother, Mrs. Bennet, and cousin, Mr. Collins, are perhaps the most overdramatic characters in the entire novel. Mrs. Bennet, though some claim to be simply a concerned mother, is in fact a foolish, and boisterous woman whose one and only intention is to marry off her daughters. Austen created her to be obnoxious so that it would seem as though Elizabeth’s decisions would be rationale. Throughout the entire novel Mrs. Bennet lets her shallow side shine. A prime example of this is when the great Mr. Collins arrives. At first, the entire Bennet family, including Mrs. Bennet agreed that Mr. Collins was a â€Å"disagreeable† man. However, as soon as Mrs. Bennet picks up the hint from Collins that he has the intention of marrying one of her daughters, Austen explains â€Å"Mrs. Bennet treasured up the hint, and trusted that she might soon have two daughters married; and the man whom she could not bear to speak of the day before was now in her good grace† (49). Even though Mr. Collins was bothersome less than a day before, as soon as Mrs. Bennet realized one of her daughters wo uld be married and wealth would be instilled into their lives, she immediately put away her previous regards. As Mrs. Bennet stated in the beginning of the novel, â€Å"The business of her life was to get her daughters married† (6). Even though, this is typical of mothers at... ... show how Elizabeth is against the status quo of marriage. Back then, women were automatically supposed to accept the proposal, because it benefitted her family. By having Elizabeth reject this proposal, Austen is able to convey her feelings of disapproval for the conventional marriage through her. In order to convey her true feelings towards marriage, Jane Austen shows them through Elizabeth, the main character. Yet in order to truly make her feelings clear, Jane Austen also creates distorted and extreme minor characters, such as Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Collins. These two characters influence the novel greatly, in that they are so extreme, that they help rationalize Elizabeth’s decisions. If it were not for them, Elizabeth would have been seen as a selfish character and Jane Austen scorn for the conventional marriage of the time would not have been clear.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Edgar Allen Poe Essay

Five Paragraph Essay Have you ever wondered about Edgar Allen Poe’s literary elements or themes? Read the stories called † The Tell-Tale Heart † , † The Cask of Amontillado â€Å", † Annabell Lee†, and † The Bells â€Å". Poe’s desired effects was to scare the audience from the story, Poe used a writing style called gothic horror. The first literary element seen by Poe was death. In the story of † The Cask Of Amontillado † the Fortunado suffocates . Another death occurs in the story of † The Tell-Tale Heart â€Å", when the narrator kills the old man in the middle of the night. The story called † The Bells† the mother died of a disease. Poe creates horror because the deaths in the stories are unexpected. The second literary element seen by Poe was obsession. † The Cask of Amontillado † the Montresor is obsessed with getting his revenge. In † The Tell-Tale Heart † the narrator is obsessed over the old man’s eye. The story of † Annabell Lee † he was obsessed with his wife. This creates horror because obsession is not a usual thing seen in other stories. The third literary element seen by Poe was insanity. The Tell-Tale Heart † the narrator goes insane over the old man’s eye. The story † The Bells â€Å", the people in the town grow insanity from bells chiming.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Pest Analisis for Any Fast Food Resturent

Advance Professional Diploma in â€Å"Strategic Hospitality Management† Assessment: Labour market strategy; 1) Define labour Market: Labour markets exist on two levels; factual and perceptual. At any one time, people will be seeking employment or trying to change their jobs. Simultaneously, employers will be seeking new employees. Wage rates will be set, recruitment policies implemented, people will need training, people will have to move. This is the daily life of labour market. (Smith, A. 1976 ). ) List three labour market factors: a) Skills Shortages b) age c) overseas staffing. 3) a) Skills shortages :With the rapidly changing nature of the workforce and labour market, including skills shortage and the raised expectations of working people, job design now has to consider a wider range of factors than merely designing the task and work content of jobs. Job designers, i. e. most managers, will need to focus more than before on the conditions of work rather than just the job content.Such issues will include more flexible working hours, providing support for women returners, more autonomy, etc. in addition to eliminating menial tasks requiring scarce skills. Other dimensions include the need to ensure that forms of discrimination are not created or perpetuated, intentionally or unintentionally, through job design. (Michael J. Biella, Steven G Turner 2005 b) Age: Both the young and old sometimes feel that they do not get the respect they deserve.They need to know what is going in the department and how well they are doing their jobs, just like anyone else. Make them feel like part of the team. Young workers want to do work they consider worthwhile and have fun doing it. They want their supervisors to listen to them, to let them participate in decision making. Not surprisingly, they do not want supervisors to bark orders military-style. They like to have time and money invested into their training and development. Do not have higher expectations of older a dults than of their peers, and don’t patronize them. Pest Analisis for Any Fast Food Resturent Advance Professional Diploma in â€Å"Strategic Hospitality Management† Assessment: Labour market strategy; 1) Define labour Market: Labour markets exist on two levels; factual and perceptual. At any one time, people will be seeking employment or trying to change their jobs. Simultaneously, employers will be seeking new employees. Wage rates will be set, recruitment policies implemented, people will need training, people will have to move. This is the daily life of labour market. (Smith, A. 1976 ). ) List three labour market factors: a) Skills Shortages b) age c) overseas staffing. 3) a) Skills shortages :With the rapidly changing nature of the workforce and labour market, including skills shortage and the raised expectations of working people, job design now has to consider a wider range of factors than merely designing the task and work content of jobs. Job designers, i. e. most managers, will need to focus more than before on the conditions of work rather than just the job content.Such issues will include more flexible working hours, providing support for women returners, more autonomy, etc. in addition to eliminating menial tasks requiring scarce skills. Other dimensions include the need to ensure that forms of discrimination are not created or perpetuated, intentionally or unintentionally, through job design. (Michael J. Biella, Steven G Turner 2005 b) Age: Both the young and old sometimes feel that they do not get the respect they deserve.They need to know what is going in the department and how well they are doing their jobs, just like anyone else. Make them feel like part of the team. Young workers want to do work they consider worthwhile and have fun doing it. They want their supervisors to listen to them, to let them participate in decision making. Not surprisingly, they do not want supervisors to bark orders military-style. They like to have time and money invested into their training and development. Do not have higher expectations of older a dults than of their peers, and don’t patronize them.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Examining the International Sy essays

Examining the International Sy essays In The Anarchical Society, Hedley Bull concludes that the international system is best understood as his theorized international society. Yet while he substantiates his argument with a plethora of historical examples and the fallacies of earlier presumptions, his analysis fails to address the roles of the largely undeveloped, destitute nations and relies nearly entirely on what he perceives as the goals of interstate relationships. Through a careful investigation of the core motives that drive state action, international anarchy not Bulls international society emerges as the most viable portrait of the international system. According to the argument Hedley Bull develops in the earlier part of The Anarchical Society, security against violence, observance of agreements, and stability of property are the three elementary, primary, and universal goals of society. Order and international order are then understood as a recurrent pattern of human conduct that preserves these goals of social life (Bull, 4-7). For Bull, states are the collective agents charged with the protection and furtherance of the interests of their population and its values, and the key ingredient for world peace (Bull, 8, 13, 17). He perceives an international society as the expression of international order, as it constitutes a society of states and is a possible result for any group of states that shares coherent goals. An international society then forms a system in the sense that the behaviour of each of the states is a necessary factor in the perception and analysis of the others, and the states are expected to perform cert ain duties beyond their narrow scope of self-interest. While Bull certainly appears to present a convincing and logical thesis, his argument draws glaring concerns. First, his three goals of society are merely goals that are cherished by those who are satisfied with the existing scheme of the world...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Treating the Side-Effects of Unemployment

Treating the Side-Effects of Unemployment While tips on networking and crafting the perfect resume and cover letter appear online day in and day out, the elements of self-care that go into a job search are no less important! Writer Amy-Louise Goldberg proffers up her â€Å"6 Ps† for managing job-search stress. Briefly, they are â€Å"planning, persistence, perspective, positivity, physical attentiveness and ‘phriends and phamily.’ â€Å" Planning is not only a great tool for mapping out the logistics of your job search strategy–finding open positions, preparing your materials, applying and following up appropriately–but is also a terrific way to alleviate anxiety and that feeling of helplessness that often pervades a period of unemployment. There’s something about writing out a to-do list with checkboxes that leads to a feeling of relief. Don’t be afraid to write out even the smallest steps on a bad day–checking off â€Å"take a shower† and â€Å"eat breakfastà ¢â‚¬  can give you that little jolt of accomplishment you need tackle the bigger tasks of the day. Plan long-term for the next few months, and short-term for the next few days; when one list stymies you, you can find something on the other to get you moving again.Be persistent in your search; Goldberg suggestions managing your expectations by â€Å"[assuming] a conservative average ‘hit’ rate of one interview per 15 resumes sent, and one interview per 15 contacts generated. On the positive side, assume that half that number–1 in 8-interviews–may yield an offer (since you already made it to the interview stage).† Hold on to your sense of perspective as well–it’s a tough climate, but not an impossible for a tenacious job-seeker. Instead of beating yourself up for each setback or letdown, each unanswered email or awkward interview, focus on what each experience has taught you. You can even practice developing narratives about â€Å"a ti me you overcame an obstacle† to bring out in future interviews.Taking care of yourself physically is as important as preparing yourself on paper; make sure you’re getting enough sleep, good nutrition, and exercise to keep your spirits up and your body healthy. Something as simple as weekly yoga, a daily walk, or a break to stand up and stretch every hour may help keep you tuned up.Another element of being unemployed that takes a toll is the feeling of isolation; everyone else is going off to work at more or less regular hours, and it’s easy to feel left behind. That’s why Goldberg recommends â€Å"phriends and phamily† as the final piece of the pie–stay in touch with friends and former colleagues. Even an article with â€Å"read this and thought of you† can help you feel connected and keep conversations ongoing. Find â€Å"running buddies† among your freelancing and fellow job-seeking friends; meet up for â€Å"apply-athonsâ₠¬  in local cafes or take turns hosting one another at home. You aren’t alone, and this isn’t forever. Take good care of yourself and the job search will follow!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Jubilee Debt Campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Jubilee Debt Campaign - Essay Example There have been claims that these debts have been a continuation of the legacy of colonialism in the way they are given out without looking at the way in which they will be repaid. 1 The jubilee campaign has been a debt calling for eth cancellation of more the $400 billion which the developing nations owe to the G8 countries. It is a campaign that has taken a moral direction on the way these debts have been issued and the legality of these debts in light of the world unequal distribution system of the world. The campaign has been calling for the cancelation of the debts in light of the fact that while the whole nation continue to be paying for the debts, most of them are not used to build the interest of the while nation but rather they are channel to build the interest of the few individuals who are in the leadership of these countries. These debts therefore have a lot of negative impact on women and children, education, climate change, heath sector and the general welfare of the society. The campaign has realized some progress as some debts totaling to $88 billion has been cancelled off but there is a lot that is to be done. The main assertion of the campaign is that most of the debts can be attributed to irresponsible lending decision. Although the developing nations have also been blamed for the increased debt d... The paper look at the case of the helping the poor nation and the moral issues that surrounds. Then it will look at how the developing world has accumulated these debts and the role that developed nation has played. Finally it will set the agenda on what could have been done in order to reverse the situation. Debt as a continuation legacy of colonialism The history of debt in the developing nations has been described as legacy of great siphoning off of their resource by the international financiers. It has been described as unjust process which is used by the rich and developed nation in order to siphon the resource of the developing nations and to ensure that the developing nations live under the shadow of their will. It is a process that has been designed in order to perpetuate itself using a diabolical mechanism where debt replicates in an even greater scale to create cycle that can only be broken by the use of debt relief mechanisms. 2 There have been claims that the process of debt creation in the developing world has been result from unjust transfer to them the debts that they have been accumulated in a colonizing state. To support this argument there is a lot of evidences that shows that a massive $59 billion in form of external debts to the developing world was transferred to the independent state when they were given independence in 1960. The debts have been increasing at a great rate of about 14 percent since then as a result of the unilaterally set rate. This has led to high rate of increase of these debts. Even before the new independent state got time to organize their economies, there were their lenders knocking on the door to get their money back. In order to understand the cycle of debt well,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Report module topic 1-6 international business management Essay

Report module topic 1-6 international business management - Essay Example However, the MFC is bound to face both tariff and non-tariff barriers by operating on an international scale. Moreover, MFC will experience effects of trade protection as barriers to international trade. These challenges are compounded with the presence of political and legal risks, which affect the business in a number of ways such as business registration, taxation, licensing and reputation of the company. Cultural factors are also an issue in international trade that needs proper integration of people and ideas. In an attempt to help people understand cultural inclinations and influence Geert Hofstede came up with five fold framework of culture that has been discussed in this paper. At the same time, MFC will enjoy benefits of being a member of international trade organizations such as WTO and regional trading blocs and custom unions. Therefore, international trade is in general beneficial to MFC and the company can go worldwide while understanding aspects related to international for strategy formulation and management of business. Table of Contents Title 1 Executive Summary 2 Table of contents 3 1.0. Introduction 4 2.0 International trade 5 2.1. Reasons Why MFC chooses to trade internationally 5 2.2. Major types of international business the MFC will set up in the short-term and long-term 7 2.3. Globalization 8 3.0. ... Types of strategies MFC can use to manage political and legal risks 12 5.0. Culture and cultural frameworks 13 5.1. Hofstede’s cultural dimension 13 5.2. Strength and weaknesses of Hofstede’s Framework relevant to MFC’s managers 14 5.3. Ways on how cultural characteristics influence patterns of communication for MFC;s managers in USA and in India 15 5.4. Ways on how MFC’s managers improve cross-cultural communication international trade organizations 16 6.0. Trade organization (international) 16 Â  6.1. Ways on how MFC can use the range of international trade organizations 16 6.2. Influence of regional economic groups to MFC 18 7.0. conclusion and recommendations 18 Reference list 19 1.0 Introduction The Magic Fuel Company (MFC) is an Australian public company specializing in the production of fuel additives and other fuel products. Experimentation with fuel and the utilization of additives to make engines run more efficiently has resulted in the producti on of a super concentrated fuel gel which has the potential to reduce all fuel to approximately 20% of current volume and increase the efficient burning of the concentrate by up to 200% of current refined fuel products. This means that each litre of fuel is equivalent to approx 200 ml of gel and fuel usage is reduced to half current usage. Using the fuel gel a car with a 60 litre tank using 10 litres per hundred kilometers of conventional fuel could carry the equivalent of 300 (5*60) litres and travel approximately 3000 kilometers per tank. The gel is the same weight as current fuel, is less volatile and has a longer shelf life. MFC is aware of the potential of the new technology the company has developed to refine crude petroleum and the value of the special additives for the gelling